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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I got the belt, shoe, ruler, or whatever else was handy to whip my ass with! Nowadays parents can go to jail for that which is bullshit. We are creating a society of pussies because of all this politically correct crap and kids think they deserve a "trophy" just for playing. When I was younger we earned our trophies, they were not handed to us because we participated. My ol lady has a daughter that I consider to be my own because she has only seen her real dad in pictures. I will do my best to not let her end up like that. She raised a pig in 4-H this year, we bought her a bow, she likes camo, and she don't mind a deer hanging in the garage. She's only 9 and before I was around a deer hanging in the garage would of made her cry lol
When you look different physically as a kid, you better get tough quickly. Having polio when I was two years old left me with one arm much smaller than the other. And my right arm is really not useable (but makes a good paperweight). Also my right leg was affected and I walk with a noticeable limp.


I went to the same school from 1st thru 12th grade. So most of the kids accepted me for what it was. My problems came with new kids in the school. Most new kids found me an easy target to poke fun at. This didn't usually last long, because the tough kids and my brothers always looked out for me. In eighth grade the two local schools merged to make one larger school system.

This created a whole new scenario. Tons of 7th and 8th graders that made fun of me daily. Over time they got to know me and things got better. In the summer between my sophmore and junior year a new family moved in 3 houses down the road from us. Well the one boy was about a year younger than I was but he was quite a bit bigger than me.

As usual he met me and had to make stupid remarks. I bluntly told him to shut up. He was just one of those kids that just wouldn't let it go. He mainly picked on me while riding the bus to and from school. About a week or so before Christmas it all came to a head on the school bus. I called him out and told him to be at the pond on a neighboring property at 4 o'clock. He shoved me and said he would be there.

I arrived along with my four brothers. When we got there a bunch of neighborhood kids were there to watch. Everyone knew fist were going to fly. I assumed I was going to get pummeled, but wanted to make a stand anyways. We walked out on the frozen pond to confront one another. We squared off and he threw the first punch which I dodged. His momentum caused him to slip on the ice and fall on his back. I jumped on top of him and put both of my feet on his forearms. I quickly grabbed his semi-afro hair and started bouncing his head of the ice. I think the first thump knocked him about out, but I wasn't stopping. This poor kid was taking 15 years of built up frustration. Blood was flying everytime his head hit the ice. I remember the kids cheering and then it felt like I was hit by a train on my left side. My older brother had jumped on me to get me off this kid. I remember him saying "Dick, you're going to kill him"

The kid ended up with twenty some stiches in the back of his head. Needless to say he never poked fun at me again. In fact we became pretty good buddys and I kinda felt sad when they moved away a few years later.

Now if this was to happen today there would be law suits, court battles etc. Back in 1967 it was just the way it was. You had differences you settled them.

Today we live in a society where most are brought up to turn the other cheek and don't make waves. What a crock. A bully will be a bully until someone stands up to him or her.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
My wife and I have this discussion every once in a while.

The issue today is society. When we were in school if someone started something you stood up to them and it usually ended up with fist flying.
After the fight you took your paddling or suspension and it was over.

Today society has taught our kids that they are not allowed to stand up for themselves. If they do they run the risk of getting expelled or even getting arrested.
Issue is that others cannot even stand up for the weak due to the same circumstances.

I am a small guy in high school I was about 100lbs soaking wet. I had to learn to stick up for myself early in life. But I also learned that even if I stood up for myself and lost the fight that person usually didn't f*ck with me anymore.

I have taught my son the same. You never start anything but if needed you stand up for yourself. I told him that I will always have his back as long as he is standing up for what he believes in.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dante, I was going to bring that football story up. When I first saw that I couldn't believe it!

Guys, it's messed up! I am doing a lot of hours as our school's guidance counselor and am the front runner to take the job over next year. I field at least one call per day about a parent's child being "bullied". 9 times out of 10 it is a single incident that never happened before and won't happen again, but everyone is reading the papers and instantly think their child is a victim.
Several times I've been asked "what is your school doing to prevent bullying?" Guys, I'm old school just like the rest of you. I was taught just like Diane said, start no shit, but don't take it either. It pains me to hear comments from parents.
As a result of phone calls our district has invested money in a program called OLWEUS that is an anti-bullying program for the entire district.

Are some situations classic bullying? Yes, they are and it's bullshit. The kids who harassed that poor girl on FB deserve to be punished to fullest extent of the law. My problem is when minor incidents are blown out proportion by parents.

It's to the point now that most kids are making jokes about bullying. Yesterday a kid was in the hallway and his friend knocked his books out of his hands. He stood there and acted like he was pouting and said "I'm being bullied!"

Overall, the biggest problem is people identifying incidents as bullying when they are not truly bullying.


*Supporting Member*
Today society has taught our kids that they are not allowed to stand up for themselves. If they do they run the risk of getting expelled or even getting arrested.

I am so glad my kids graduated when they did, as the "new rule" in our school district is that a kid has to first be hit 3 times before fighting back, or he is also suspended. 3 times! That's insane.

Unfortunately I have grandkids to worry about now, and you can bet I'll be telling them to fight back. 3 times my ass.


Senior Member
I am so glad my kids graduated when they did, as the "new rule" in our school district is that a kid has to first be hit 3 times before fighting back, or he is also suspended. 3 times! That's insane.

Unfortunately I have grandkids to worry about now, and you can bet I'll be telling them to fight back. 3 times my ass.

3 times?! My god! If the kid is a reasonable size you aren't getting a swing in after taking three to the noggin. We truly are raising victims tho and it's only going to get worse. I'm part of this newer generation, being 24, and we did have the you can't stand up for yourself until you're hit but three hits is just absurd. And I've seen kids get wailed to the point where they were unconscious and yeah there was suspensions but no expulsions and no lawsuits. I don't even know how that would fly today only 7 years later.

I'm just waiting for parents to start suing other parents for their child getting injured during a sport.

Oh and the whole every kid deserves a trophy deal? Don't even get me started... No you need to learn what if feels like to lose and to miss the winning/tieing shot and be so pissed/upset that you drill that shit out of yourself so it doesn't happen again. That's what makes sports competitive, having to win to get something. It's funny/sad/true my dad says I grew up in the Reset Era cuz when things don't go our way in a video game we wanna hit reset and start over to avoid losing. My old man would always smoke my ass in sports when I was younger and wouldn't let me win less I truly out played him and I'm glad he did that.
Man this is a great post! Dick you are one badass in my book after reading your story!! I too can remember the few times dad took me upstairs and told me to grab my ankles. Whether it was for bad grades or something else, I deserved it. My kids get the same from me and know when I am serious it's time to knock it off. Taught them that since they were young and I can only hope it lasts in them forever.

I don't get the way schools look at both participants in a fight as being equal, especially when there are two sides to ever story. Basically they don't want to take the time to figure out what and who started things and level the punishment to fit the action. With that said my wife and I have always raised the kids to not take shit from others. As long as they aren't the one starting it they are sure allowed to finish it, regardless of the school's actions. I never really was pushed around through school and always found myself in the middle of two sides to every fight. I wasn't the jock and I wasn't the burn-out so I generally flew under the radar. These days you can't be that way it seems.


Senior Member
I don't get the way schools look at both participants in a fight as being equal, especially when there are two sides to ever story. Basically they don't want to take the time to figure out what and who started things and level the punishment to fit the action.

This is too true, they're lazy.

It's great hearing everyone's story, and funny how my old man raised me exactly the same as ya'll were raised. I remember the first time I got caught doing something that upset my mom(not going into details lol) but she smacked me across the face good and I'll never forget my dad saying hit him again Mary Jo. And she did, and never took the rings off her fingers either. I was 16 then and was well weathered to respecting my parents so I sat there and took it without any pleading or defending myself. I deserved every single smack she gave me that day and I'll never hold it against her. Something like this today would be ALL over the news.