Thanks fellas. I appreciate it very much.
Yup, another year down the shitter and the same old NOTHING to show for it again this year lmao. Ya know, the older I get the less I care about my B-day for some reason. It's not the getting old part that is a given lol. Ah yes, Now I know what it is...The FUCKING DMV sucking my money for tags and my city sucking my money from taxes on said tags lmao. $94 to drive on raods that I already pay for
No party,No drinking, No cake,No special dinner,and no nookie is pretty much a given around here for me lmao. I swear my wife and hicks wife are twins lmao.
Thanks again Fellas. I really do appreciate it a lot :smiley_clap: :smiley_candle: :smiley_bestfriends: