3-12-13 Bought a 3 pt. disk today. I decided to put in a food plot for the 1st time.
5-1 Spread fertilizer today.
5-14 Sprayed Roundup weed killer on food plot.
5-28 Sprayed Roundup weed killer again.
5-29 I bought a 5 ft. 3 pt. roto tiller today.
5-30 Disked and roto tilled 2 ac. Due to faulty math I ended up with a 3.0 ac. food plot instead of 2.0. More is better.
5-31 planted the 2.0 ac. with clover .5 ac. and 1.5 ac. of Evolved Harvest 7 Card Stud of turnips, brassica, radishes, rape, and oats.
6-25 I got permission to hunt the neighbors adjoining hay field. This field is surrounded by 4 sides of heavy brush and butts up to my new food plot. Deer just flock to this field morning and night. I'll put up a new hunting tower in the corner of the 2 fields. I've taken some nice deer out of that corner in the past.
6-30 The 7 card Stud plot is looking great. The clover doesn't look so good.
8-3 Bush hogged the 2.0 ac. food plot to 12" high to knock off the weeds tops.
8-24 Sprayed Roundup on the remaining 1.0 ac. plot.
9-5 The boys came down and installed the 4th wall and roof on my new hunting tower in the corner of my new food plot and the neighbors hay field.
9-12 It's rained not a drop since 8-24. Chance tomorrow of 70% rain. So I re-disked and roto tilled the 1.0 ac. plot and planted 1/2 ac to Whitetail Inst. fall oats, the other 1/2 ac. to Evolved Harvest Mean Bean and Winter PZ.
9-13 Cut the brush in front of the tower on the neighbors property. The brush is all honeysuckle and is over 20 ft. tall. I could only see about 10% of the hay field. Now I can see 75% of the hay field.
9-14 Pulled all the brush onto a pile 15x30 and 10 ft. tall. Make a good wildlife haven.
5-1 Spread fertilizer today.
5-14 Sprayed Roundup weed killer on food plot.
5-28 Sprayed Roundup weed killer again.
5-29 I bought a 5 ft. 3 pt. roto tiller today.
5-30 Disked and roto tilled 2 ac. Due to faulty math I ended up with a 3.0 ac. food plot instead of 2.0. More is better.
5-31 planted the 2.0 ac. with clover .5 ac. and 1.5 ac. of Evolved Harvest 7 Card Stud of turnips, brassica, radishes, rape, and oats.
6-25 I got permission to hunt the neighbors adjoining hay field. This field is surrounded by 4 sides of heavy brush and butts up to my new food plot. Deer just flock to this field morning and night. I'll put up a new hunting tower in the corner of the 2 fields. I've taken some nice deer out of that corner in the past.
6-30 The 7 card Stud plot is looking great. The clover doesn't look so good.
8-3 Bush hogged the 2.0 ac. food plot to 12" high to knock off the weeds tops.
8-24 Sprayed Roundup on the remaining 1.0 ac. plot.
9-5 The boys came down and installed the 4th wall and roof on my new hunting tower in the corner of my new food plot and the neighbors hay field.
9-12 It's rained not a drop since 8-24. Chance tomorrow of 70% rain. So I re-disked and roto tilled the 1.0 ac. plot and planted 1/2 ac to Whitetail Inst. fall oats, the other 1/2 ac. to Evolved Harvest Mean Bean and Winter PZ.
9-13 Cut the brush in front of the tower on the neighbors property. The brush is all honeysuckle and is over 20 ft. tall. I could only see about 10% of the hay field. Now I can see 75% of the hay field.
9-14 Pulled all the brush onto a pile 15x30 and 10 ft. tall. Make a good wildlife haven.
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