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Does anyone watch doomsday peppers?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
This inbred looking douche kayak on the episode at 2am made his own armor that probably won't stop at .223. He also has watched YouTube videos for 6 years on how to do a C Section should his wife be pregnant! If an economic collapse happens, he plans on going around and robbing everybody of their stuff, what an asshole!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I watched one episode of that show and thought these people are stupid. I can see wanting to be prepared, but if you are going to build a "secret" bunker and stock it with food, guns, medicine... don't go on national television and tell the whole world about it. Not much of a secret anymore is it?

That same episode, the guy was teaching his kids how to shoot, the gun missfired and he ended up with a cut on his head. They called the ems. I figured it would be a good time to teach some first aid as well since there won't be any ems in the end times.

I suppose its worth watching for entertainment purposes, but I usually have other things to do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
We have pretty good stores and a plan. Anyone that knows I am prepared always says that they are going to come to me when/if the SHTF. I say the better bring a trade/resources to the table. Seriously. Lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Can't say I "watch it" but have seen a few episodes. Some of them make me raise an eyeball with their cleverness. Most of them make me raise an eyeball at their sanity. Here is all I am worried about: Go on about your daily business. You cannot change the end of times. Do not add to the chaos. Paraphrased out of the Bible. I don't care if I am the first or last to go "should" the end of times come. When it is my turn, I will be in a better place. The show? Not too often have I heard anyone mentioning getting right with God.


*Supporting Member*
Paraphrased out of the Bible. I don't care if I am the first or last to go "should" the end of times come. When it is my turn, I will be in a better place. The show? Not too often have I heard anyone mentioning getting right with God.

This is true, but it isn't "end times" I worry about, it's civil unrest, martial law and all that happy shit.

I think it's smart to at least be prepared for things for several weeks anyway, preferably a few months.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
This is true, but it isn't "end times" I worry about, it's civil unrest, martial law and all that happy shit.

I think it's smart to at least be prepared for things for several weeks anyway, preferably a few months.

One of the reasons I put meat in the freezer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is true, but it isn't "end times" I worry about, it's civil unrest, martial law and all that happy shit.

I think it's smart to at least be prepared for things for several weeks anyway, preferably a few months.

I won't disagree with this at all Diane. This happens and i figure we will be good for a little bit. I might have an issue or two as will anyone else. . . . Prepared or not. Not real worried though so long as I have some diesel.


Senior Member
I have watched a few... Always say I'm gonna put a few things back but never do. I'm more worried about the zombie invasion...:eek:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I've seen some shows with isolated good ideas but most just make me shake my head.
One example are years of dry/can food but no water source or mega water but no food...

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Like others I've seen some episodes that had some good ideas and things to keep in mind, but a some of them are just "out there" in my mind. Nothing wrong with having some food, water, and ammo put back just in case.