i would be surprised that any trapper in ohio has a trap out that would hold the power of a wolf.I don't have the picture yet, but supposedly trapped in Carroll County. I saw the pic yesterday and he is supposed to get the real scoop before he sends it to me. Anyone hear anything about this?
i would be surprised that any trapper in ohio has a trap out that would hold the power of a wolf.
i would be surprised that any trapper in ohio has a trap out that would hold the power of a wolf.
I agree......if a wolfs foot would fit in a mb550 it would hold it. I also believe my modified bridger #2s would hold one.
Along with a KB 5.5
i would be surprised that any trapper in ohio has a trap out that would hold the power of a wolf.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was real either wild or pet left go. There was just one killed in KY as confirmed wolf. They have no idea how it got there the last I heard.
And just think I have to walk out in the dark tomorrow morning to take the grandson deer hunting. Now I know he can run a lot faster than I can. Damn.
Exactly. Those guys trapping wolves in Alaska are using MB 750s.....those are some mean traps......wouldn't want one clamping down on me. Ha
I saw on trapperman a while back a guy caught a mountain lion in a stock Bridger #2....... talk about stepping just right. I wouldn't wanna be the guy to let that thing go....
Not a mountain lion, but I caught a large adult male otter in an old Vic 1.5 that was set for coon and mink. Season wasn't in, and it was an experience turning it loose!