OK Friday I went to a specailist for Headackes and Migraines
He explained why my headackes & Migraines got worse and I had to cancel hunts
Or only hunt a hour or so , even after taking a pain pill
Long story short
Cooler - Colder weather and my forehead
Not sure of all the details .....but
OK the cold causes the blood vessels to constrict
Causing Migraines
Also the gunshots cause headackes & migraines
Not from the noise , but the shock wave hitting my head
So I now have 2 new med's
Also as soon as aproved , I get Botox injections in my forehead
Suposed to help
He explained why my headackes & Migraines got worse and I had to cancel hunts
Or only hunt a hour or so , even after taking a pain pill
Long story short
Cooler - Colder weather and my forehead
Not sure of all the details .....but
OK the cold causes the blood vessels to constrict
Causing Migraines
Also the gunshots cause headackes & migraines
Not from the noise , but the shock wave hitting my head
So I now have 2 new med's
Also as soon as aproved , I get Botox injections in my forehead
Suposed to help