How far away is your stand from where he beds?
Nothing tonight. I think I'm going to have to get more aggressive with ole Rudolph. Any ideas? :smiley_confused_vra
Patience my friend. Persistence.
Best advice in this thread in my opinion.
Just keep doing what you are doing and make sure you only hunt on a favorable wind and you will get your chance. No one ever said deer hunting was easy
3 years ago I hunted the 7 days of gun, 2 days of bonus gun and the first days of the MZ season from daylight to dark before finally having the opportunity at the buck I wanted. I had not laid eyes on him in over 2 months and only had a few pictures of him those last 2 months, after 100's of pictures the previous few months. I had just enough pictures of him to know he wasn't dead yet. I was pretty confident about where he lived, I just needed to wait and play the game by his rules, I couldn't make him play by my rules and I would risk losing the game if I tried. A lot of those long days I saw only 1 or 2 deer all day. If it had not of didn't worked and he had won that would have been OK also, it is very much part of the hunt, you don't always win.
You have a lot of weeks left to get this done.
This time of year hunt the food source, food source, food source! If you can find his bedding area and intercept him on his route to the food in the evening, you will kill him. They are in survival mode and will only travel to eat unless bumped.
Good luck!
Exactly. Which is why I think he might be hitting that cut corn field next to the question mark bedding area.
I think this is his bedroom. I hung a camera off a trail into it so we'll see.
This is the hard part: Do NOT go in there to check that camera every 3 days. If it is his bedroom, you want it to remain HIS bedroom. Late season presence will not be tolerated much.
Small wood lots and ag fields? What is the field on the eastern edge of the property? If you look at the north end of that field there are two inside corners. The north edge of this field is in line with your blind, corn, and the E/W fence row you were thinking of placing a stand. Deer like edges. Not saying they won't or don't wander. Not saying they only follow straight lines either. They seem to find security closer to the edges around here though. Overgrown fields previously planted in crops are great bedding areas around here. Look at these fields closely. Look for a low spot, depression, slight dip in the land. If there is open ground, you "might" find a travel corridor in one of the low spots in the open fields. They can be hard to pick up in flat country. Some of the most subtle depressions in a field can be where they enter/exit these open areas.
Next suggestion: After the season (whether you connect or not) cover this property with a fine toothed comb. Do it a day or two or three after snow. Look for the most heavily used trails and traffic areas. With the leaves off and snow on the ground, this is an excellent time to scout. Not saying the rub line you found isn't going to be beneficial now, but rutting activity should be mostly done by now. There are always rare exceptions of late breeding or early breeding, but rub lines might not be "fresh sign" right now. Those notes should be stored away for late October into November of 2014 and beyond.
Not to be a pessimist as you have pictures of him recently, but 30acres is not his entire home range. Could be, but I highly doubt it. You might be in an area he is frequenting regularly and is comfortable. Try to keep it that way. Step back from your section and look on the aerial maps for a mile any direction. See if there is any other food source which could be attracting him and try to figure out how he may be using the larger area.
Good luck Joel!