We got about 5% what all you guys got, so it's just cold and windy here. After bumblefucking around in my spot the past two days, I'm letting it rest today. I'll be out tomorrow afternoon.
I may go to a heated blind, but will the deer actually move in this wind chill? I guess they have to at least move around a little.
Yeah, we ain't right and desperate times call for desperate measures lol. DNR can't say we didn't try like hell to fill our tags lol.
The sad thing is this weather around here will kill more deer then hunters would have. In 78 I lived in Wood county (not a lot of deer back then) we found 4 or 5 dead deer that spring shroomin just on our property
I can imagine a few will stay bedded to long and freeze to death over the next couple days. Wouldn't be surprised to see some of the young,old, or injured deer freeze up.