Easier than what? As I said it's all relative. Everything is easier than using a stick bow with a loin cloth. But that shouldn't attach a bad stigma to anything else. A stand is easier than being on the ground. A blind is easier than being in a stand. A cam is easier than not having a cam. 60% let off is easier than 40%. It's all relative to what it's being compared to. Hunting over corn is no easier than hunting over a white oak in October. Running a cam over corn is no better than over salt in September. This time of year deer are yarded up over preferred food. It's no easier hunting over corn than it is their preferred food this time of year. It's just a different tactic. Is it easier than other things sure. Short divisions easier than long too.
Yea it is all relative, except for the fact that none of those other things completely alter a deer's behavior like a pile if corn does. Theres nothing wrong with it... Different strokes for different folks I guess. I say its easier, you say its not. Obviously my opinions on baiting will differ from those of the baiters.