I recommend not buying reloads. I reload but don't trust anyone else to do it. Some of the worst ammo on the shelf is reloaded "factory" ammo. Ultra max or whatever it is called. Would rather shoot Russian.
There is a huge difference between reloads and re-manufactured ammo.
A reloaded round is done by someone that doesn't have much common sense when it comes to liability. That's where you get your faulty ammo of no powder, incorrect powder charges, missing and crushed primers.
A re-manufactured round is produced by a Corporation that carries Liability Insurance and all rounds are produced on a automatic machine. Once the machine is setup it is almost impossible to produce a faulty round.
The machine is automatic and checks for cracked case, correct powder charge, seating depth, and correct primer.
If anything is sensed the machine locks up and shuts down. There is a senser vacuum switch on each stage.
All this is going on and still produces 3000 plus rounds per hour. Only delays is when a faulty case crops up. It's fun to watch the machines run.
It's really a detail long drawned out process. First the pistol cases are cleaned, then sorted by size, then sorted by caliber, then the 45ACP have to be sorted for small and large primers.
Then each caliber pistol cases are run through a case processor machine to look for defects and bring the case in size back to factory specs.
A reloader does none of these steps and will just clean and throw a loaded round together. Buyer beware.