How many people nowadays dont put their laundry up and simply live out of baskets? It drives me nuts digging through them trying to find articles of clothing I want. My wife is perfectly content with doing it until I hang mine up and leave hers in there. We both wash, dry and fold laundry into the baskets, but I am the only one who hangs them up. Not to mention she has way too many damn clothes. I brought this up to all our group of friends the other night, and they all pretty much live out of baskets also. Most of these people are my wifes age (31) and younger. Ive noticed for the most part people nowadays are to worried about what people think of the appearence of their houses. Not that Im the psycho anal type about stuff being spotless, but when we go to most of our friends places they dont really keep clean houses for the most part. It doesnt bother about their places, just something I kinda noticed recently. Maybe as people get older they start to get more particular about stuff.