I think it absolutely an ethical call and unfortunately is becoming more and more a personal call with the vast majority making the wrong personal decision.
Go for it. If your wounding animals, because your just letting it fly, your past your limits.
It is this mentality that makes me friggin sick to see what bowhunting has become!
Hell yes, we can't hit em now so lets see if we can find a way to shoot even farther and wound and recover even less of those suckers, AND I'll be able to post a picture of the deer I killed at 60 yds, unfornately I can't post the pics of all of them I lost,......because....well, I lost them.
It is impossible for me to respect a hunter that shows no respect for the animal he hunts. I hear so many here and on other sites really talk down about the "orange army" and then you read this and holy crap, are you kiddin me.
My opinion, which I am sure will ruffle some of your cocky feathers, but I don't really care, just really goes against something I have been passionate about for a long time.
You know what I have to say. But I'll say it again. There are to many variables at that range. IMO anything past 40 with a compound is just to far. It can be done of course but your taking a big risk. Spend less time playing with your pins and shooting your bow at 70 yards and more time learning how to hunt. A good bow hunter can set him or herself up for "bow hunting" shots. Not slug gun shots. If you can't get the deer into 40 yards or closer you need to improve your setups.
The actual time of flight for a modern crossbow at 60yrds is about the same time of flight as a 170fps recurve at 20yrd..So if the first is unethical then the 2nd should be as wellm based on the animal doing alot in a 1/2 second..Right?
We can "ALL" find justification for the positions we take! 54 is not wrong. Jesse is not wrong. 54is not right. Jesse is not right. It's not black or white. It just is what it is. The trick is being able to accept the other guys opinion and not be narrow minded. If you can make a 60 yard shot and you take it, be responsible to live with the results. Ethics can not be taught. YOUR ethics are who you are!
Ethics can not be taught. YOUR ethics are who you are!
We can "ALL" find justification for the positions we take! 54 is not wrong. Jesse is not wrong. 54is not right. Jesse is not right. It's not black or white. It just is what it is. The trick is being able to accept the other guys opinion and not be narrow minded. If you can make a 60 yard shot and you take it, be responsible to live with the results. Ethics can not be taught. YOUR ethics are who you are!
Who set the ethics in regards to proper shot distances? Can you show me where that's been written in stone? More things can go wrong at 27 yards than at 21, so should we stop at 24 then and just split the risk down the middle?
In my experience, traditional bowhunters wound deer at a higher rate than compound hunters. Not a fact, just how it relates to me through my experiences. They have shorter effective ranges and by your logic, should always be more effective than a compound past this "unwritten" ethical distance. However shit happens regardless of the weapon and/or distance. If I had to pick what caused more wounded deer based on my experience, sticks shooting sticks or compound shots past whatever this ethical distance has been defined as, traditional hunters would be in trouble.
You're a regular Howard Hill, so I know you're skewing the results. But I bet even you know more people who've wounded deer with a stick bow at CLOSE range than people who've wounded deer past whatever distance you deem acceptable. I don't see us long range unethical hunters calling for a ban on sticks.
That's pure BS. You have flopped the whole argument over to stick bows and compounds. That isn't what this is about. The effective range has nothing to do with wounding deer. It is going to happen to the best of us but we should do what we can to prevent it. Shooting at long range is not going to prevent it. Don't tell me my equipment causes me to wound deer any more than yoursI know what I can do inside of 20 yards. And you know what you can do. Me shooting at 40 yards is wrong wouldn't you agree? Just like you shooting at 50+ is wrong.
If your willing to take the chance then so be it. It will bite you in the ass sooner or later. Wee all need to learn self discipline and hold back on semi decent shots.
You take a chance every time you release an arrow. Trad, techy, or string gun it's all the same.
So very true.....somehow that often gets forgotten.....things can and do happen!
Very true Lundy!! Hopefully the fact this thread went around the mountain and back it will make a few think about their own ethics and morality when it comes to shot choices in general as well as come to a reality of how good a shot a person actually IS at longer distances.
I've actually had a deer do a complete 180 before my arrow got there. The shot was only 25 yards too.
Good point, but who is using a crossbow to take hunting shots at deer at 60+ yards regardless of well they have splitting shafts at targets.... Maybe these fast and superfast bows at 400+ fps, but most guys on here don't have them... Question, if someone wants to shoot a deer at 100 yds+, why not use a muzzleloader, shotgun, rifle, pistol, etc???