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DEAL Continuing the good deed


I was fortunate enough to be a part of the kind gesture that Joel offered of the coveralls and I figured the least I could do was to do exactly what he started, I am offering up to a good home/ someone who wants to try them, a new pack of rage 2 blade 100g broad heads with practice tips. I will pay for the shipping cost as well, hopefully this tradition continues on


Wow! really? I'd love to try them.

Yes sir, a user named Joel inspired me to do a kind deed in return for doing the same thing to me. So I figured I would return the favor and offer it to another TOO member to keep the good deed going, the only catch is that now you have to find something to give away to keep the good deed going, if you have anything that isn't in use or whatever, but yes just pm me your address and I will be more than happy to ship it out as soon as I can, which will probally be Friday.


Very cool of you to keep this going. Also hickslawns thanks again for the smoker! Look what you got started!

I had to! I feel like it should be a good tradition because I mean we are all hunters and we all may be in need of something/ want to try something new and if someone has it laying around not using it why not try and help someone else out? especially a TOO member at the least!


Staff member
No shit? There are other forums out there? :smiley_chinrub:rotflmao


I belonged to 10 at one time and posted regularly on 8 of them. FUGG THAT! I gotz time for this place and thats it!!!


Well done with the good karma fellas! When I was first starting to get involved with forums (a decade ago now :smiley_blackeye: ) I rubbed a few people the wrong way, this guy included. However he reached to me being the young kid I was, took me under his wing and showed me the ways in a manner only a big brother can do. The one lesson that sticks in my head the most is something he taught me after gifting me the most amazing set of cedar shaft arrows I'd ever laid eyes on for my wedding gift. I asked how I could repay him and he simply replied: "Pay it forward." Another gentlemen I met on another forum way back when was like a grandfather to me for a while; still is to a few on this forum. That man showed me generosity unlike anything I'd ever seen before. A perfect "stranger" giving me hundreds of dollars worth of free stuff simply to "keep the fire burning". Those two men are the essence behind this forum. This is not a place to come and brag yourself up or pick fights. This place is here to nurture a brotherhood that can change lives. I'm the man I am today in part because of the relationships I've forged on a "stupid hunting forum". Some people don't get it, but those who do truly understand the sense of home you can develop inside these "walls".

I applaud you gentlemen for keeping the fire burning and letting us be a part of that.