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First Deer Thread


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great stories for sure. Sounds like your friend was right Frank. . . . until recently. lol

Thanks Phil. The little sign will hang with pride beside my buck scull mount taken with a bow on my new office wall this year. I have every buck scull plate I've taken in the last 42 yrs. and will mount them with my 2 elk on my office wall.
Some big and many small but a good memory behind everyone of them.
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Junior Member
First deer was an archery deer, a button buck, back in 1997, that I shot at 5 yards with an old Hoyt. It was standing almost directly below the stand and I almost couldn't breathe I was so nervous. After the shot, I saw it run and lay down, so I snuck out and went back to my buddies house in PA. We ate dinner, and gave it a few hours. Well being a college kid, I was broke, and only had 3 arrows. About 8pm, we head back out, and only tracked the deer about 100 yards, before we see eyes glowing. We sneak up, the deer can't move, and with me being excited/nervous, I forgot my release at the house. I nock an arrow and try to finger the shot, and it sticks into a big oak 5 feet away. Oops...so I move a little closer, draw back, and connect with the last arrow. The deer gets up, runs, but is struggling and lays back down after 25 yards. I was lost, had no clue what to do next. My friend's father, says take out your knife and go finish him. I looked, and said huh??? I'll never forget the words, "time to man up boy". Needless to say, I did what I had to do, but it was probably as bad as it gets for a first.


Staff member
Killed my first deer when I was 18 years old in November of 2000. The Christmas before I got my first bow and I was hell bent on killing my first deer with a bow since I'd missed so many with a gun from 8-18! There was a berry farm down the road from my parents place and I spent a few evenings watching a group of 13 does work out of the thicket on the back side of the field and cut the corner of the field to hit an oak flat. I went down one evening and made a brush blind with an old stump as my seat. That night the deer came out, but no shots. The next night after football practice I ran out there and the deer came out within minutes of me sitting out. This young doe worked to 18 yards and I shot right under her, but she came back a few minutes later and gave me a 25 yard shoot. The Easton XX75 Game Getter II with 125 grain Thunderhead bent on entry and nicked her spine. So dropped like a rock and bawled like crazy! I had no clue what to do as I'd never been in that situation. By the time I reacted, she had crawled in to a briar bush making a follow up shot next to impossible for a rattled rookie like me! I ran as fast as I could back to the house and got my old man, but she was expired by the time we returned. We took this picture before I gutted her, so she was a tender little morsel!



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Killed my first deer when I was 18 years old in November of 2000. The Christmas before I got my first bow and I was hell bent on killing my first deer with a bow since I'd missed so many with a gun from 8-18! There was a berry farm down the road from my parents place and I spent a few evenings watching a group of 13 does work out of the thicket on the back side of the field and cut the corner of the field to hit an oak flat. I went down one evening and made a brush blind with an old stump as my seat. That night the deer came out, but no shots. The next night after football practice I ran out there and the deer came out within minutes of me sitting out. This young doe worked to 18 yards and I shot right under her, but she came back a few minutes later and gave me a 25 yard shoot. The Easton XX75 Game Getter II with 125 grain Thunderhead bent on entry and nicked her spine. So dropped like a rock and bawled like crazy! I had no clue what to do as I'd never been in that situation. By the time I reacted, she had crawled in to a briar bush making a follow up shot next to impossible for a rattled rookie like me! I ran as fast as I could back to the house and got my old man, but she was expired by the time we returned. We took this picture before I gutted her, so she was a tender little morsel!

Annnnd saved.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Opening morning of 1996 gun season in Mississippi. Shot him with 2 3/4 00 buck out of a Mossy 500 20ga. Foggy as hell that morning. One deer jumped across the logging road in front of me and I got the gun up, about that time this one jumped across too. Remember it like a video taken yesterday.

And to any that's ever doubted my Alabama pride. That's a Bama shirt with Fred saying "Bama dama doo". Lol.


Senior Member
October 19, 1984. shot a yearling doe with a 55# Darton SL50 (or something like that) and 2018 XX75 with a 2 blade Zwickey Delta on bidness end. only deer I ever shot with a wheelie bow. :) only deer I ever shot with an aluminum arrow. took me three years of trying. missed one my first season in '81, missed a small buck in '83.

as proud as I was to get that first deer, with my bow no less, the one that means the most to me personally was the first deer I got with a bow that I made. December 5, 1997, the last day of gun season I killed a button buck with a 64# hickory backed osage bow on a terrible day with snow and 20-30mph wind. in retrospect, that was a lousy excuse for a bow, but it was the best I could do at the time and it shot ok for a 70" wooden bow. I made up my mind that I was gonna kill a deer with it or die trying. was a trying season, mostly. couldn't manage a chance at a doe in early season. hit a giant 4x1 in the shoulder blade at 10 yards in early November. that buck started chasing the doe he was with not 2 minutes after the arrow fell out. unreal. just about pussed out by going back to my trusty glass longbow, but decided to stick it out with my home made bow. I sacrificed Thanksgiving with family to hunt. I missed a dandy 4x4 in fading light that day. just a few inches low and a complete miss. picked myself up again and kept trying until gun season started. after 5 days of sitting home, I couldn't take it any longer. had to get back out. I remember pulling up to my hunting place on public ground, getting out of the truck and realizing just how miserable it was going to be hunting that morning. had nearly a mile walk with climbing stand, wind howling, spitting snow. I got back in the truck and put key in the ignition, but somehow stopped myself from leaving and went hunting. after a couple hours on stand I was getting pretty cold and thinking, "what the hell am I doing here". I warmed up fast when I spotted a 5x5 in the 140-150" range coming my way. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but he was coming so I got ready. at 35 yards he just took a small turn and never came any closer. had a shot right them, but it was much too far for me with my battered confidence, half froze. I watched him for a good while as he walked out of my sight for good. no sooner than he disappeared, a pair of skinheads appeared and were following the bucks path. but as they approached they missed the turn and came right to me. I put a hickory arrow loaded with a 160gr Ribtek through the boiler room at 15 steps. he made it 40 yards and fell over. I don't think I have laughed and cried at the same time before or since. I really came unglued. alone, in a big woods a looong way from the truck. I'll never forget how I felt as I knelt down to give my thanks next to the deer that had unwittingly given his life to make a dream come true. surreal is the only word I can think to describe that day, that moment, and it changed my life. dreams do come true.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
October 19, 1984. shot a yearling doe with a 55# Darton SL50 (or something like that) and 2018 XX75 with a 2 blade Zwickey Delta on bidness end. only deer I ever shot with a wheelie bow. :) only deer I ever shot with an aluminum arrow. took me three years of trying. missed one my first season in '81, missed a small buck in '83.

as proud as I was to get that first deer, with my bow no less, the one that means the most to me personally was the first deer I got with a bow that I made. December 5, 1997, the last day of gun season I killed a button buck with a 64# hickory backed osage bow on a terrible day with snow and 20-30mph wind. in retrospect, that was a lousy excuse for a bow, but it was the best I could do at the time and it shot ok for a 70" wooden bow. I made up my mind that I was gonna kill a deer with it or die trying. was a trying season, mostly. couldn't manage a chance at a doe in early season. hit a giant 4x1 in the shoulder blade at 10 yards in early November. that buck started chasing the doe he was with not 2 minutes after the arrow fell out. unreal. just about pussed out by going back to my trusty glass longbow, but decided to stick it out with my home made bow. I sacrificed Thanksgiving with family to hunt. I missed a dandy 4x4 in fading light that day. just a few inches low and a complete miss. picked myself up again and kept trying until gun season started. after 5 days of sitting home, I couldn't take it any longer. had to get back out. I remember pulling up to my hunting place on public ground, getting out of the truck and realizing just how miserable it was going to be hunting that morning. had nearly a mile walk with climbing stand, wind howling, spitting snow. I got back in the truck and put key in the ignition, but somehow stopped myself from leaving and went hunting. after a couple hours on stand I was getting pretty cold and thinking, "what the hell am I doing here". I warmed up fast when I spotted a 5x5 in the 140-150" range coming my way. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but he was coming so I got ready. at 35 yards he just took a small turn and never came any closer. had a shot right them, but it was much too far for me with my battered confidence, half froze. I watched him for a good while as he walked out of my sight for good. no sooner than he disappeared, a pair of skinheads appeared and were following the bucks path. but as they approached they missed the turn and came right to me. I put a hickory arrow loaded with a 160gr Ribtek through the boiler room at 15 steps. he made it 40 yards and fell over. I don't think I have laughed and cried at the same time before or since. I really came unglued. alone, in a big woods a looong way from the truck. I'll never forget how I felt as I knelt down to give my thanks next to the deer that had unwittingly given his life to make a dream come true. surreal is the only word I can think to describe that day, that moment, and it changed my life. dreams do come true.
Awesome read Jamie! Just plain awesome!!!


Senior Member
that is one fine lid, Jesse. love it. :)

thanks, happy some of you enjoyed my story. even after all these years, it's easy to forget that bow and arrow hunting is journey, not a destination. I try to remind myself of that when I'm feeling sorry for myself when I'm not having any action or when I miss or screw up otherwise, which is like every other day or so during hunting season. lol...

I forgot all about writing the story I wrote, Brock. and you're right, I think. :smiley_chinrub: I sent it to TBM, PBS and the OBA. TBM said they wouldn't print it. they sent me some cockamamie form letter thanking me for the submission, but that they didn't want to use it. TJ Conrads is a douchebag that thinks he singlehandedly saved traditional bowhunting from extinction with his stupid magazine. :frown: Ironically, I got started building bows following along with a series of "how to" articles in TBM.


I got my first deer ever and first buck on opening day, evening hunt of this hunting season. He walked in at 31 yards and smoked him with my bow! He ran about 70 yards if that and was down right their! It is a feeling that I can never describe to anyone but a hunter who has had the experience. image.jpg image.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
View attachment 19364

Opening morning of 1996 gun season in Mississippi. Shot him with 2 3/4 00 buck out of a Mossy 500 20ga. Foggy as hell that morning. One deer jumped across the logging road in front of me and I got the gun up, about that time this one jumped across too. Remember it like a video taken yesterday.

And to any that's ever doubted my Alabama pride. That's a Bama shirt with Fred saying "Bama dama doo". Lol.

That shirt kicks ass! Ha!


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
My first deer was a button buck shot at my ex-wifes families farm in upstate NY. I shot it at 150 yards with my 30-06 rifle and he dropped in his tracks. Nothing real noteworthy except for the fact I was in a tree without a stand. In those days I never hung treestands. Hell I didn't even own any. I would just find a tree I liked, climb it and sit on a branch. Not the smartest thing to do but I did a lot of dumb things back then as I'm sure most of did. If you asked me to do that today I'd look at you like you had 3 heads.
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*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
My first deer was the one that hooked me for life, I was 20 years old, Hunting with a bear kodiac bow. We were camping in northern Michigan, Everyone there was a lot older then me. We set me up a stand in a holler and threw down some bait, Couple nights later while in the stand a nice buck made his way to the bait. Dressed in carhardts, I kept still as the buck made circles around the bait, At one time the buck was right under my stand, I could see his nose working hard to smell danger. I realy needed to pee....lol couldn't hardly stand it. Finally the buck was broadside heading into the bait, I drew my bow but the buck needed to make one more step for me to get a shot, It seemed like hours, Holding the bow back, Shaking like crazy. He finally gave me a shot and I let my 2219 arrow fly. He was quartered away a little bit, The arrow hit him just behind the shoulder and did not pass through. I couldn't believe how relieved I was to have taken the shot. The buck ran off and I got up and too a pee, Relieved again I sat there not knowing what to do. About an hour later my father in law came to get me on the atv, I was still in the stand. We looked for blood but couldn't find any, The came the longest night of my life, Not only because I had to wait till morning to look for my deer, Also because we were in a tent and it was cold as f*%k. After hunting the next morning, Everyone got together and we went on the hunt for my buck. We still couldn't find any blood so we made a line in the direction the buck went and started walking. We walked about 80 yards when one of the guys yelled....here it is. I never told them it was a buck, They were all happy for me when they seen the buck. It was my first bow buck. 1985 Been hooked every since.First Bow buck.jpg