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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Phil has found a new way to reduce stress...
Doesn't he seem better lately?


Some guys enjoy golf. Others build demolition derby cars all year to take the stress out in one or two events. "J" likes to go fishing. Me. . . . I always wanted to be a demolition man but they never trusted me with dynamite. Gotta get your fix somehow. :smiley_crocodile:

That's what happens to Phil's customers when they don't pay Net30

Winner winner chicken dinner Danno! Paying customers don't receive this service. lmao

Would love to show up in unmarked vehicles and do this sometime though. It would feel good. Just too busy when the snow is flying. We are out working (and thankful for the work we have) and too busy to be out hating on the non-paying customers. haha


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
On a similar note, the Lima Menards store screwed us out of a month of sweeping service a few years ago. I don't think it was an issue up top. They had some piece of garbage managers in there. One ended up in prison for stealing from the company. They shorted me a month. I called them. They got 2 more weeks and I got a phone call to cancel service. 6 weeks without pay. They didn't fulfil the contract we had agreed upon. It was bad. I asked the one manager if I should return all the trash we had picked up from their account for 6 weeks. Wouldn't that be a sight? Show up every night for 6 weeks and empty the hoppers of your sweeper trucks in front of their entry doors? bahahah

Same thing happened at the Murphy Gas station in Wapakoneta. I asked them if I should just refund their snow since they hadn't paid all season. It had been one of those years were we got all our snow in about a 6 week window. By the time I realized they weren't paying, the winter was over. I called back and suggested "Since you haven't paid for all the snow we removed from your lot, I am considering returning it this winter." Manager looked puzzled. I clarified "If we removed "X" inches of snow from "Y" square feet of parking lot, the way I see it, we owe you "Z" yards of snow back on your lot this winter." I still kick myself for not following thru with it. Two wrongs don't make a right though. I am just not "that guy". Probably why we are still in business 17yrs later. "Those guys" generally don't last. haha


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Phil, I'm that type of a guy. I would have brought the trash back. Fair is fair.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seriously though you have had to have hit a cart in all the plowing you have done, right?

I have bumped them but never plowed one up. You might get a bit closer to a cart than you would a car, so every now and then you might just clip a tire with your moldboard. They generally just take off with a jolt for a couple feet. I have also pulled up to them and angled my plow to push one out of the way. Then you back up a foot or two and keep on plowing. I rip butts if I see a guy do this. Had one guy plow two of them up with the backhoe a few years ago. He hasn't done it since. Pretty bad when some parking lots look like a tornado dropped carts on the lot. Certain unnamed retailers are worse than others. Go through their parking lot at night and it looks like an old shopping cart ghost town.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It is frustrating plowing at times. I can see a guy getting disgruntled and flipping out like this. I can see it more if they haven't paid their bill.

Ex: Just an hour ago I was doing a driveway. Don't generally do them. Mostly all commercial and no residential plowing. This guy is a neighbor and local FEMA/Hazmat director though and he is never in a hurry. Just sends a text and asks for it to be cleaned up sometime before 4pm. Hard to say no. I was at the end of his drive waiting to back out. I see a car 1/8-1/4 mile down the road so I sit and wait for it to pass. Waiting, waiting, waiting. She gets to me and gives me the dirtiest look ever as if I were waiting on her to get there to back out. Why the hate? I didn't do anything. I didn't make it snow. I didn't make you 400lbs, put the handicap placard on your mirror, or turn your face into that distorted look of hatred. I am just patiently waiting on you to drive by so I can go on with my work. If I was going to back out in front of her it would have been when she was 1/4mile down the road. Nasty hate comes out of people when it snows for some reason.

At a 24hr grocery store. You are in a backhoe with a 12' push box. You can go through and clear a 12' swath but people keep turning in front of you. They fail to realize you didn't put the snow there. You are there to remove it. They wait 5 seconds and they can follow your clear path down the aisle. What do they do? Give you a dirty look and cut in front of you as if you have ruined their day. People are foolish and prematurely grumpy when you are plowing. Why the dirty look because YOU chose to drive over the wind row of snow? Wait 5 seconds and we will move it. They will never get it so I just ignore it.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
. I asked the one manager if I should return all the trash we had picked up from their account for 6 weeks. Wouldn't that be a sight? Show up every night for 6 weeks and empty the hoppers of your sweeper trucks in front of their entry doors? bahahah

About 20 years ago a local guy with a small farm on a busy county road got tired of picking up the cans and bottles thrown in his ditch and field. So he went along and threw them back on the road. Want to guess who got arrested? Still that guy is my hero.