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Theboroblem with coyote dogs.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Not much respect for other peoples property around this thread.

What do you propose a land owner to do?


We have a 615 acres in a row between us and a neighboring farmer. I have sole permission on the farms. I have had multiple dogs from multiple owners running everything at one point or another. This has been seen in my season thread. Sheriffs department won't do anything about it (county only runs two at a time due to budget constraints, for the whole county) The GW won't even call anyone back, ever.

So we pay taxes on the land but should let any Dick let his dogs run? You have to prove damage for any recourse as a land owner. So here your irresponsibility as a dog owner is going to cost me time and money.

You get the chance to do the right thing and fix a mistake. You allow it again and it is no longer a mistake. I am not worried about fines as there are race horses in the one property and one recently sold for $100k. Can't have dogs running them...

Just don't see how people, especially hunters can justify letting their dog go wherever but not accept the consequences. Seems pretty entitled to me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can appreciate this perspective Beener. I realize a dog doesn't see property lines. I realize it isn't the dog's fault if an owner drops them on your property. I also realize nobody is going to stop that dog in some instances. In some instances they are going to keep encouraging the dogs to repeat their actions. There aren't many black and white cases though. Lots of grey area here.

I just changed a camera card over the weekend. There was a dog running deer on the camera. No people around. No collar on the dog. No clue where it came from. This dog continues running the property and I am not sure what options I will have left.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
i can appreciate this perspective beener. I realize a dog doesn't see property lines. I realize it isn't the dog's fault if an owner drops them on your property. I also realize nobody is going to stop that dog in some instances. In some instances they are going to keep encouraging the dogs to repeat their actions. There aren't many black and white cases though. Lots of grey area here.

I just changed a camera card over the weekend. There was a dog running deer on the camera. No people around. No collar on the dog. No clue where it came from. This dog continues running the property and i am not sure what options i will have left.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not much respect for other peoples property around this thread.

What do you propose a land owner to do?


We have a 615 acres in a row between us and a neighboring farmer. I have sole permission on the farms. I have had multiple dogs from multiple owners running everything at one point or another. This has been seen in my season thread. Sheriffs department won't do anything about it (county only runs two at a time due to budget constraints, for the whole county) The GW won't even call anyone back, ever.

So we pay taxes on the land but should let any Dick let his dogs run? You have to prove damage for any recourse as a land owner. So here your irresponsibility as a dog owner is going to cost me time and money.

You get the chance to do the right thing and fix a mistake. You allow it again and it is no longer a mistake. I am not worried about fines as there are race horses in the one property and one recently sold for $100k. Can't have dogs running them...

Just don't see how people, especially hunters can justify letting their dog go wherever but not accept the consequences. Seems pretty entitled to me.
Very well put Beentown. A person works hard to earn their property and pay the taxes on it and half the guys that let their dogs go wherever the hell they want don't even own land. Think they ever heard of shock collars hell we used them when we had coon dogs and work well to control your dogs. Why is it the landowner has to be the jerk and asshole when it is the other guys causing the problems just because he doesn't want other people and dogs trespassing on HIS property. You are right not much respect shown on this thread and wasn't going to chime in but those last few comments set me off a little bit. I bet if it was their property they might look at it a lot differently. As for me I would not shoot anyone's hounds but after a couple times of the same problems and talking to the hound owners and no results I guarantee if they want their dogs they would be making a few trips to the dog pound to retrieve their dogs cause I would be taking them there myself.


Junior Member
Guys I don't want my dogs to go on anyone else's property!! As soon as we seen the rabbits were headed that way we went after them !! We were probably about 250 yrds from his property chasing rabbits that were 100 % on our land that we had permission on !! And used to run dog collars until someone decided to steal the set !! And I realize that we need to respect this guys land !! But when a rabbit runs over there and the dogs are in hot pursuit and you hear gun shots what are you supposed to do ?? The thing I find kind of funny is that this fella rents this property from the guy we have permission from !! It's an acre of woods! He does not own the land he does not hunt the land, unless it's a couple of beagles that happened to run over ! Trust me we don't try to do anything that is illegal ! We don't hunt his property ! We don't try and hunt close to his property ! And we wouldn't go over there if we didn't need to !! Mabey I should have just let my dogs eat the buckshot he was shooting at them ! The buzzards need food to ! And this was the second time that our beagles went over there! But I do know a few other rabbit hunters that hunt there and there dogs have gone over to !! And there was one beagle that he shot through the leg with a .22 ! The actual land owner does not like the guy that rents and I'm hoping he gets kicked out before next season !


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I still don't see why a dog has to be shot because it crossed the property border. Chasing high dollar horses? What if the guy shoots the horse? I still say if you shot my dog or at my dog you better have a better reason than trespasing!!!
Just reviewing things and I just cannot grasp the idea of shooting someone's dog and not getting some sort of animal cruelty charges brought up. Up here in Michigan we hear of stuff like this even happening to cats (even feral) and these people are surely brought up on charges, provided they are caught of course.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
If some can't see it then not much I can say. Not like anyone is talking about a one time incident.

Give you what I would do as a responsible dog owner...

If I couldn't control the dog I would e-collar it. If my collars were stolen and not able to replace then I would hunt properties where it was not a problem until I was able to replace the collar.

If I had a property I hunted on that was adjacent to a land owner that doesn't want my dogs on I either find a way to control them or I don't hunt it because I can't control my side of the equation.

Seems pretty entitled to think any other way. If you really feel that entitled to something that isn't yours then you take your chances with the outcome after being told what the outcome would be.

I shouldn't have to give a reason, trespassing or not.


Do I do everything I should, no. I carry where not allowed on occasion, I know what the outcome could be if caught. Ignore a land owners wishes on his property pay the tax...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Very well put Beentown. A person works hard to earn their property and pay the taxes on it and half the guys that let their dogs go wherever the hell they want don't even own land. Think they ever heard of shock collars hell we used them when we had coon dogs and work well to control your dogs. Why is it the landowner has to be the jerk and asshole when it is the other guys causing the problems just because he doesn't want other people and dogs trespassing on HIS property. You are right not much respect shown on this thread and wasn't going to chime in but those last few comments set me off a little bit. I bet if it was their property they might look at it a lot differently. As for me I would not shoot anyone's hounds but after a couple times of the same problems and talking to the hound owners and no results I guarantee if they want their dogs they would be making a few trips to the dog pound to retrieve their dogs cause I would be taking them there myself.

Generally calling the dog warden does no good. They are not going to catch them at the time or catch them at all.

There are two types that are the main problem.

- Yard ornaments attached to chains that get free constantly that chases everything in the woods and doesn't usually have a good temperament.

- Road dumped hunting dogs (largest issue of the hunting variety) Or hunting dogs were the owner is too lazy to train right and have decent equipment.

In general we have had very few issues with rabbit dogs. For some reason their owners seem to care more and listen to LO feedback. Plus, there are a lot fewer around than used to be. They usually ask permission first.
Don't get me wrong, I've had problems down there on our property many times over the years with dogs. Heck I've been so mad I probably could have done it at the time, but didn't. I'd just be surprised any that would shoot someone's dog wouldn't be looking at the possibility/probability of getting in some serious trouble these days.


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Don't get me wrong, I've had problems down there on our property many times over the years with dogs. Heck I've been so mad I probably could have done it at the time, but didn't. I'd just be surprised any that would shoot someone's dog wouldn't be looking at the possibility/probability of getting in some serious trouble these days.
I actually see Beentowns frustration but don't see why authorities can't be called? One thing to consider with out chest puff and saying " oh yah and I'd blah,blah,blah" is that you might get shot yourself. Once the authorities do arrive if you survive getting shot you're going have to say "I was just shooting their dogs" and the sheriff then remarks "they said you were shooting at them and their dogs. Once you're out of the hospital you'll be charged with either assult with a gun specification or attempted murder. The DA will determine which". Call the authorities or Boarhead solution of taking the dogs to the pound!
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Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Don't get me wrong, I've had problems down there on our property many times over the years with dogs. Heck I've been so mad I probably could have done it at the time, but didn't. I'd just be surprised any that would shoot someone's dog wouldn't be looking at the possibility/probability of getting in some serious trouble these days.

If I had a dog coming on my property again and again I would shoot it and say I thought it was going to attack, it was on my land coming towards me acting viscous and I was scared. I came close with my neighbor's dogs (they came over just to growl and bark at me and the kids for awhile but eventually stopped). I wouldn't want to shoot a dog but the owners need to control them. If you can't control your dogs you shouldn't have them. If they're going onto a property you don't have permission to be on that's a problem.

If MY dog ran off my property and got shot on someone else's land I would feel responsible for the dog's death. I really think many people have lost respect for other's property but I take property lines very seriously.

I don't hunt with dogs and I don't own a large piece of land so this is just my opinion but I do have a small piece of land, a dog, I hunt and I have neighbors.


Junior Member
I could see more of a reason to get angry if they were Chasing deer,pets or other livestock ! And i'm sure I will be buying another set of 300.000 tri-tronics that way I can controll them a little better ! But even when they cross any property line I do not like to zap them if there chasing a rabbit! It messes them up! Next time they jump a rabbit what are they supposed to do ? But I do see your point guys ! I'm not trying to be one sided on this! Heck we have guys run coyotes across our property about 4-5 times a year that I see them ! Do i get out the shot gun and start blasting at the dog and go out and cuss up the hunters ! no! anyone who shoots at a dog thats doing what its supposed to do is a messed up idiot! now if they were chasing deer or the owner would just let him run loose on his own free will and this would happen allot I might talk to the owner of the dog and tell him to keep him leashed up! but i dont think i would still shoot the dog! Dogs will be dogs ! And If i seen some rabbit hunters on the neighboring property and the dogs chased a rabbit over and the hunters came to get the dogs that would make me happy! I could see that they do not want to let there dogs on my property! And if i would get mad about that I would be a big baby!


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Ray there seem to be alot of comments from guys that (from their comments) have never owned a hound and some from guys that have said they have that are just plain wrong. There's alot I don't know but there's a little I do. Dogs are not all the same in how they act or are trained. A bird dog needs to follow constant commands whether voice or whistle or it gets out there and may flush with the hunter too far off. A hound casts off without command some are close/walk with hunters and some go till they strike. You can't call most "good" hounds off a hot track and you don't want to shock them if they're running what they are supposed to unless you want to ruin the hound. That's why e-collars are sucessful in breaking a dog from running junk and can be just as sucessful in ruining the dog if used to shock when running what their supposed to.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm almost sorry I brought up the subject of shooting the dogs. Like I said almost sorry.

It's just the spare of the moment of continued frustration coming out over the subject.

As a landowner I have.
1. Invested 100,000's of dollars to purchase land for my own use.
2. Pay 1000's of dollars each year in property taxes.
3. Over the years spent 10,000's of dollars of improvements.

Then just to set back and let low lives run all over the property for their enjoyment. Very tough to take.

Do I shot dogs? No not really.
1. Have I shot dogs chasing deer in the past? No public comment.
2. Will I shoot dogs casing deer in the future? No public comment.

When I had a serious dog problem chasing deer about 20 yrs. ago the GW said take of it quietly.

Enough said.