Interested to hear everyone's opinions on how much impact coyotes have on deer populations. I've read varying opinions here and there. My situation is this- I own 35 acres and hunt it and several other properties. I'm most concerned about the coyote population on my property. The 35 acres is surrounded by a large track of leased pines on two sides and a 10 year old clear cut on the third side. The coyote population has seemed to explode the last two years. I used to hear them occasionally but now I hear them on my property and the adjacent properties every evening. And not just one or two, but several. And with pup season taking place right now I think, the sounds are even more numerous. I also hear them across the road from my property. While the deer population around here seems to be pretty decent despite the slaughter of does for a few seasons prior to this year, I'm becoming concerned about the coyotes. I know the best way to thin them is to snare them but I'm wondering what your thoughts are as to how proactive, or reactive, I should be at this point.