woke up to get ready for work yesterday and knew it wasnt gonna happen, made it to the toilet and it sounded like pouring a bucket of water in there, shortly after it hit me again only this time I'm on the toilet puking in a bucket at the same time. This went on all day yesterday approximately every 15 minutes to a half hour, it continued till about 9 last night, this morning the diarhea and vomiting has stopped but I have a hell of a headache and I feel like someone beat me with a pipe, did keep some toast down this morning along with some water and gatorade so I hope the worst part is over, I can say that is the sickest I have been since I was a kid!
man that sounds awful...... Good ole toast with cinnamon and sugar and butter on it always did the trick for me when I was little.
And hearing this reminds me of a time in college... long story short someone had to drop a deuce and mid deuce they had to vomit and it was a girl lol Thank goodness it wasn't my bathroom!