I shoot a LOT of 3d. With that being said, my 3d setup has a scope with a 6X lens and I practice at 80yds regulary (thats the longest I can shoot due to room) my sight tape has yardage out to 100yds that I would get out to soon.. My bows are in my sig and they both shoot very similar to each other. I feel that practicing at those long distances makes those close shots that much easier. Heres why: With the 6X lens and a clearifer peep every little movement is hugely maginified when out at 80yds, if I can hold steady on a 16x16 block and hit inside a pie plate that far then a 30yd shot is a cake walk. Also your form will affect your shot at longer distances so that may have to change a little as well.
Now with my hunting bow I am sighted in at 60yds cause that all the pins I have. I am 100% confident at 60yds on a calm deer with little wind. I have yet to take that shot because it hasnt presented its self. My longest shot was 52yds from a ground blind. The wind was blowing a little bit and I hit a little farther back than I had hoped but still watched her drop within 60yds of the shot. I shoot 100grn Muzzy 3 blades so wind does affect them more so than an expandable blade. I say that with lots of practice and confidence in your equipment any distance you feel comfortable with is acceptable. Also if practicing at longer distances, go get in your stand and shoot at a deer target from long distances to see how the wind, being in a stand, having a harness on and other varables in the field will affect your shot. just my .02 good luck and shoot straight!