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Pattern test.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Stoeger 3500
.655 jelly head choke
Hevi shot 3.5'' Blended load 5,6,7
40 yards
10'' circle



Dignitary Member
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
You sure are a fan of those duplex loads. I keep saying that I'll try 'em but I'm still on my original box of #4s from when I started turkey hunting


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You sure are a fan of those duplex loads. I keep saying that I'll try 'em but I'm still on my original box of #4s from when I started turkey hunting

HUGE fan of duplex loads. And here is why. Both of these were shot from 30 yards from Travis's 870 with a jelly head choke. One is the 3'' Rem Duplex loads 4,6. And the other is the 3'' Rem number 5. 98 pellets vs 60. So 38% more pellets. Hell of a difference when it only takes a couple good ones to kill a bird. To be honest I would be very hesitant to shoot the number 5s at a bird as that pattern is pretty thin and shooting through any spring foliage is a bad gamble judging by that pattern. The crappy news is I think Rem discontinued the Duplex load. I'll have to hunt online and see if I can't scarf up a few boxes.

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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hope you don't flinch on the Stoeger 3500.

Shoot 4's and let me see your result.

That some of a bitch beats the living shit out of me. Lol. Those 3.5 hevi blend loads absolutely clobber my shoulder even with the recoil reducer in. Way harder than even my CVA Accura with 150 gr pyrodex. I'd say even harder than my 30-06 with no recoil pad.

But the cool thing about those loads is the 5,6 and 7 is stacked. I believe 7's are up front, 6s in the middle, and 5s in the back. There is plenty of pattern outside the circle in the pic. Some quite a ways out. Most of those are likely 7s. Inside 20 the 5,6 are still in a baseball sized group but the 7s would fill the circle. Way on out at like 60 the 5s are still mostly good, the 6s are everywhere, and the 7s will probably pepper anything within 5 yards lol.
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Dead is dead and that is a group that will smack down a turkey at 20 and deadly at 30 and 40.

But if you are wary about shooting #5s, why mess with the 4x6s or the 5x6x7 or whatnot and just shoot 4s? The increased chance by number of a #7,6,or 5 pellet in the right place vs. the strength of just shooting 4s? The 4x6 makes sense but the 5x6x7 doesn't...I know that HeviShot is a beast of a different nature - just wondering the thinking behind it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Dead is dead and that is a group that will smack down a turkey at 20 and deadly at 30 and 40.

But if you are wary about shooting #5s, why mess with the 4x6s or the 5x6x7 or whatnot and just shoot 4s? The increased chance by number of a #7,6,or 5 pellet in the right place vs. the strength of just shooting 4s? The 4x6 makes sense but the 5x6x7 doesn't...I know that HeviShot is a beast of a different nature - just wondering the thinking behind it.

Think of it not as a group of shot. But as independent groups all holding deferent patterns at different yardages. Instead of being ok out to 40. You're good out to 70. But if you're good out to 70 with number just a single load of number 5s. You're going to be In trouble at 20. That is unless you have 7s stacked up front to expand sooner. This image may help.

Love to see these threads as each year it seems they make new loads that take turkey shooting to a whole new level. I used to use the Remington Duplex loads in my gun and up until the last year I used it that's what I still bought. Was watching on GrowingDeer.tv they were patterning a load from Winchester called the Longbeard XR and that by far looks to be THE load this year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hevi shot is where its at. IMO it's well worth the money to fling it at turkeys... When you only need about 2 shots per year. The combo loads are superior to anything else. It's the same reason I shoot Hevi-Metal for waterfowl.