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Anyone been to a BBBC scoring event?


Well-Known Member
Just curious what they are like. I was considering going to the one at Fin Fur and Feathers in April if I have my deer back. Was wondering what the turnout is like and how the scoring is handled. Do poeple just show up with their mounts and walk around???


Senior Member
Are you talknig about the BBBC banquet? or are they having a scoring day? If it is a scoring day they will have a hand ful of BBBC scorers there and you will jsut wait in line to have it scored! Once they are finished they will let you know the final score. If it nets 140 they will ask you if you want to pay 25 bucks to have it entered in OBBC. If you do they will fill out your paper work and they will submit it for you!
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Well-Known Member
Its just a scoring day. April 10th I believe. Do you get a copy of the scoring sheet? I'm sure mine will not make it due to deductions. I really just want an official gross score, but thought it might be fun to go down for the day and see the other bucks.


Senior Member
Its just a scoring day. April 10th I believe. Do you get a copy of the scoring sheet? I'm sure mine will not make it due to deductions. I really just want an official gross score, but thought it might be fun to go down for the day and see the other bucks.

Im not sure if they will give you the sheet or not! I honestly have never had one of my bucks scored at one of these events! So I am not sure if they give you the paper or not!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Its just a scoring day. April 10th I believe. Do you get a copy of the scoring sheet? I'm sure mine will not make it due to deductions. I really just want an official gross score, but thought it might be fun to go down for the day and see the other bucks.

Yea they'll give you a copy of the scoring sheet when they're done. I would expect a pretty good turnout there at The Fin. I took one to the Medina county fairgrounds last year when they had a scoring day at the outdoors expo... I had to drop it off and pick it up like almost 2 hours later... they were pretty swamped.


Senior Member
Yea they'll give you a copy of the scoring sheet when they're done. I would expect a pretty good turnout there at The Fin. I took one to the Medina county fairgrounds last year when they had a scoring day at the outdoors expo... I had to drop it off and pick it up like almost 2 hours later... they were pretty swamped.

I didnt know you were there? I was shooting the bow baseball tournament sat and sunday!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just got on the OBBC website, found a local scorer and contacted him. Set an appointment and he scored it. Not sure if I will have mine scored officially this year or not. Probably will, but I am not as pumped about it as my first buck. I should be since it is my first bow buck. You had one heck of a buck Schu! Score (good or bad) does not dictate how nice a deer is many times in my opinion. Look at Kaiser's buck this year. Friggin' awesome deer, but the score doesn't really do it the justice it deserves. Memory may be off, but I was thinking lower 150's? Looked a heckuva lot better than that. Awesome deer from many on TOO this year!