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Yellowstone Volcano


*Supporting Member*
Since it is mostly bison everyone is talking about, then I don't hold much stock in it. Bison love to run. If people had video of lots of other wildlife leaving, then I'd consider the possibility.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Maybe it sounds heartless, but I don't care. It won't effect me. Too many conspiracy theory/chicken little/alarmists out there to know if it is true or not. Some may be onto something. Without personal knowledge about these things, I tend to ignore them. Might not be the best planning, but I am not wasting time worrying about the "what if". Plenty of other worries in my life.


*Supporting Member*
They said elk, rabbits, and squirrels are leaving. Don't know if its true or not.

I did read that. I also went to youtube and see that there are tons of videos over the past several years of bison running up and down the roads and all over those hills! hahahaha

I do tend to agree with Phil, though. Guess we're both heartless! lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Maybe it sounds heartless, but I don't care. It won't effect me. Too many conspiracy theory/chicken little/alarmists out there to know if it is true or not. Some may be onto something. Without personal knowledge about these things, I tend to ignore them. Might not be the best planning, but I am not wasting time worrying about the "what if". Plenty of other worries in my life.

Phil it's not heartless, but you are wrong in the fact that if Yellowstone blows it will effect you. By all rights it will effect the whole world. Now saying that live life like it isn't going to happen because if it does we are all fugged anyway and can't do a thing about it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Maybe it sounds heartless, but I don't care. It won't effect me. Too many conspiracy theory/chicken little/alarmists out there to know if it is true or not. Some may be onto something. Without personal knowledge about these things, I tend to ignore them. Might not be the best planning, but I am not wasting time worrying about the "what if". Plenty of other worries in my life.

Do you mean it won't affect you because you think your far enough away from it or it wont happen in your lifetime?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The was a special on TV about volcanos tonite. They said if Yellowstone blows it will wipe out the majority of the western US. Plus from the ash in the sky will cause a Ice Age lasting for years. We just better hope we're not around to live through it. Last time it blew was about 600,000 yrs. ago.

There's another large volcano just outside Flagstaff, AZ. That's were a lot of the black landscaping rock comes from.
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Staff member
You're naive if you think it won't affect you if this thing actually blows. The science is there yo show that a full scale eruption will have dramatic effects all over the world, not just here. Is it likely it happens in our lifetime? Who knows. It could happen tomorrow or in another 100,000 years. I choose not to worry about it because you'll lessen your life if you focus on stuff like that. However I'm very aware that should it happen in my lifetime, it WILL affect me in some manner.


*Supporting Member*
Do you mean it won't affect you because you think your far enough away from it or it wont happen in your lifetime?

There is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent it, or be prepared for it. To me, it's one of those things....if it happens, it happens.

Some years ago, a friend was always worrying and being upset about some meteorite that was suppose to wipe us all out. And? What are you suppose to do? Ruin your life now on a maybe?

I got better things to worry about.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This will have a global effect.

When my Science class is studying earthquakes and volcanos, we always discuss Yellowstone. When you dig deeper into Yellowstone's history, it is fascinating. It's not a matter of if, but when. That sucker is gonna blow and it will impact us. The destruction will wipe out the bread basket of the United States.

I'm not a chicken little type guy and I'm always the one that tries to downplay tragedies, but this one scares the shit outta me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent it, or be prepared for it. To me, it's one of those things....if it happens, it happens.

Some years ago, a friend was always worrying and being upset about some meteorite that was suppose to wipe us all out. And? What are you suppose to do? Ruin your life now on a maybe?

I got better things to worry about.

Yup. That is what I meant. Can't change it. I am not letting it affect my day to day life worrying about the "what if".

Will it affect me if it blows? Not a clue. Not a geologist. Don't care. We will all deal with it from what you guys are saying. Not going to sit around worrying about it. She blows, then she blows. If I live, then I live. If I die, then I am in a better place.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Its an incredible force down there. Just the ash cloud alone could drop global temps a few degrees effecting growing seasons as it rises up and circles the planet in the atmosphere. From a geological point of view, its fascinating. On a more personal level, its pretty scary. Yellowstone's caldera has erupted 3 times in the last 2.1 million years. They est (if/when) it blows again, that it could dump up to 10 foot of ash up to a thousand miles away...

The USGS says "Based on geologic evidence, Yellowstone has probably seen a continuous cycle of inflation and deflation over the past 15,000 years, and the cycle will likely continue.

Surveys show, for example, that the caldera rose some 7 inches (18 centimeters) between 1976 and 1984 before dropping back about 5.5 inches (14 centimeters) over the next decade.

These calderas tend to go up and down, up and down, But every once in a while they burp, creating hydrothermal explosions, earthquakes, or—ultimately—they can produce volcanic eruptions."

As noted above by others, there is nothing you can do about it anymore than a "killer asteroid".

If your interested, here is a little more info from the USGS.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
I never used to care about this stuff. I'd always laugh at people who hid under the tables. But now that I have a kid, all I want is for him to live a long happy life. Hopefully it waits a few more thousand years