Yep that damn mice will store it everywhere. I use corn for heating but I'm very careful not to spill any. Well I must have in the past because when I put my hunting boots on last October the one boot had a cup or so of corn in it. Burnt the corn and trapped the mouse.
I found her. Went to move a moving blanket and she ran up the outside of my pants leg and up under my shirt. I don't think I've stripped a shirt that fast since the last time I got in a yellow jacket nest. I still can't believe that mouse filled that container to the brink I bet that mouse thought it was shitting in high cotton with all that corn packed away.
Talk about a grain silo!
I found a bowls worth of dog food stashed in a old (formerly empty)case for my binoculars on the top shelf of a book case one year about 7 ft. up.
That would have been a lot of laps too.
LMAO that's what I was thinking!! Found boots and shoes in our basement before stocked full of dog food in the past. They would have brought it down from upstairs and 40 ft. away from where we kept/fed the dogs too LOL.
Not guts. And entire 5 gallon bucket of whole fish. It's been out in the woods about a year now. I didn't hear of any hazmat events so I guess it's still sealed.