It appears Ohio went to a State mandated drug test on all patients who are written pain meds.
I take a pain med for my MS pain, back and hip pain. So my test will show the pain med and be so noted which is OK.
The Doctor said he was floored this year with all his up standing patients coming back with illegal drug results. He said he doesn't pass judgment but just advises them they have been report to the State for illegal drug results and they better clean themselves up.
He also said Ohio needs to look at the use of pot for medical pain control. As pot is much better at pain control than most pain meds.
Plus he said the biggest abusers were elderly grandma's who are prescribed pain med and sell it. When they come back on their drug test clean they are reported to the State.
I take a pain med for my MS pain, back and hip pain. So my test will show the pain med and be so noted which is OK.
The Doctor said he was floored this year with all his up standing patients coming back with illegal drug results. He said he doesn't pass judgment but just advises them they have been report to the State for illegal drug results and they better clean themselves up.
He also said Ohio needs to look at the use of pot for medical pain control. As pot is much better at pain control than most pain meds.
Plus he said the biggest abusers were elderly grandma's who are prescribed pain med and sell it. When they come back on their drug test clean they are reported to the State.