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State mandated drug test


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Never smoked it. Don't plan to start now. That said, I agree with Jackalope. I know people who smoke pot and are worthless slugs. I also know people who smoke it regularly but get up and go to work every day. I have mixed feelings of it being a gateway drug. For some, I believe it is. Might not be for all, but I have seen it happen. Doesn't mean those people wouldn't have gotten hooked on harder drugs if they never smoked pot, but I think it helped eased them into the life of drug abusers. Therefore, jury is still out for me. Only thing I know for sure is it DOES provide some serious dollars whether legal or not. Only other thing I know is I have no desire to try it.


Senior Member
I think you would be absolutely shocked if you knew how many people around you actually smoked pot. The difference is those people don't flaunt it and aren't the stereotypical potheads so we never correlate them to it. We have a negative association with it due to the nature of people we know who typically smoke it. But what we don't see is the respectable people who do too.

Very true... You would be surprised how many people smoke it, but don't act like the perceived "pot head".


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Very true... You would be surprised how many people smoke it, but don't act like the perceived "pot head".

That's the same thing my Doctor said. He was stunned by who he thought was up standing patients who tested positive for illegal drugs. And all of them have been reported to the State. Only can wonder what will become form the State findings and what the State does with the reports.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
There's so many of them that there's not much too do too penalize them other then take away benefits of fine them..... And even so they'll just not pay it....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That's the same thing my Doctor said. He was stunned by who he thought was up standing patients who tested positive for illegal drugs. And all of them have been reported to the State. Only can wonder what will become form the State findings and what the State does with the reports.

My guess is nothing if it's only pot. Getting caught with up to 100 grams (3.5 ounces) in Ohio has been decriminalized. Violations are considered minor misdemeanors, you'll get a $150 ticket and it doesn't even become a criminal record. To put that I'm perspective there is about 20 grams of tobacco in a pack of cigarettes. So you can have about 5x that before you even get into a major misdemeanor. You'll get in more trouble for running a stop-sign than having 5 cigarette packs of pot.
Never smoked it. Don't plan to start now. That said, I agree with Jackalope. I know people who smoke pot and are worthless slugs. I also know people who smoke it regularly but get up and go to work every day. I have mixed feelings of it being a gateway drug. For some, I believe it is. Might not be for all, but I have seen it happen. Doesn't mean those people wouldn't have gotten hooked on harder drugs if they never smoked pot, but I think it helped eased them into the life of drug abusers. Therefore, jury is still out for me. Only thing I know for sure is it DOES provide some serious dollars whether legal or not. Only other thing I know is I have no desire to try it.

That sums it up for me too. I agree with Joe, likely many people I know smoke it and live regular lives. For some, like my BIL, it was just one step towards harder drugs as he got older.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The fact that any doctor is reporting their findings to the "State" is concerning to me...

I have nothing for or against pot. From my observations, its harmless. However, big brother watching over private citizen's drug screenings is BS, unless of course those citizens are applying for welfare.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well if I had that much pain and they wanted me on a narcotic too ease it..... I'd go with the pot and not look back...... Either way you're affected by them..... I'd say the pot would be less addictive then the narcotics..... Bottom line is if you've an addictive personality you'll have issues regardless of what you use......


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well if I had that much pain and they wanted me on a narcotic too ease it..... I'd go with the pot and not look back...... Either way you're affected by them..... I'd say the pot would be less addictive then the narcotics..... Bottom line is if you've an addictive personality you'll have issues regardless of what you use......

I agree. I would much rather use a natural herb than a synthetic chemical made in a lab. Think about that truly. Say you had horrible infection and the doc was like. Well. You can eat some oranges and get vitamin C. Or you can take this chemical concoction from big pharmaceuticals. It's up to you but the vitamin C is actually better. Shit. That's a no brainer. Lol