Maybe some of you guys could enlighten us. Correct me if I am wrong. My uncle is an avid arrow head hunter. He says documenting helps. Documentation is also easily made up, so a person's word is important and reputation. My uncle documents where he finds his. Date found, where found, which property, location on property, etc. Am I correct? That said, sometimes a bucket full of them with no documentation would likely lower the value? I don't know. Trying to learn. I know very little. Sounds like Joe is correct as well. They might have good value, but finding the buyer is not always the easiest. Knowing the local market of buyers is probably a good thing? Throwing an ad on craigslist might just drop it (not this specific one, but any arrowhead) into the $2-20 range versus $200-600 range for example? Am I on the right track?