Anyhow, We'd be good for a couple hoodies, a couple shirts and maybe a hat once we see what they are. LOL........
I'd be interested in a blue t-shirt.
We should do a special run on stocking hats before the season hits!
We should do a special run on stocking hats before the season hits!
I need a new camo trucker style flex fit hat with the TOO logo on it! Is that asking too much?
I'd be in for a camo stocking hat, beanie, whatever they're called, as well.
Need that warm weather hunting hat and cold weather one. Blaze orange camo for gun season too!
I can do the hats, but only if we presell them. Can't swing the up front cost right now. But I'll get a price. Same embroidery as last time?
Not unless Flex-Fit got the license agreement. I'll check.