Yes welcome to the modern times.
What doesn't make much sense to me is that there are 2 tied for 1st Place and next in order is 3rd Place. What happened to 2nd Place? It goes on like that down the list for tied positions. Like I said doesn't make andy sense to me. But then again they consult me when setting the rules up.
Dang, I'm down to 14th:smiley_bril:
That's how they do it in golf too. If there are two tied the following position is given up. So if you have 2 tied for first the next is in "3rd place" or if you have 3 tied for first the next is in "4th place"
I know Allen co tagged a lot of deer, that wasn't Allen co deer. I will keep it on the down low from here on out lol. And yes I agree there are a few nice deer around here but nothing compared to our southern and eastern counties. I was just giving you shit. As we talked at maxs day and night difference between here a and there.Shhhh. . . . there are sleeper states, then there are sleeper counties. Don't let the secret out that Allen/Auglaize killed 600-800 deer a year BEFORE they increased our limits. (Now you can't find a deer.) You let the secret out and everyone will want to hunt here. lol Shoot, I am not believing we are killing 1200ish a year now. I think people are calling them in from SW counties as Allen county deer so they can keep hunting. :smiley_blackeye:
There have been some really nice deer taken here. I would like to know how many to be honest. Just didn't see any on the first 20 pages. lol
It can be scored anytime. The hole in the horn buck was first scored nearly 40 years after it hung in a bar/club in Kent Ohio.
Great buck Steve! That's truly a world class whitetail!
I second that motion - it's a thing of beauty!
Can you imagine if this online list came with a picture like that of every entry? Ric would order a pallet of Kleenex and a 5gal pail of Jergens and you'd never tear him away from the computer! :smiley_crocodile:
Great buck Steve! That's truly a world class whitetail!