Milo lent me a PSE take down recurve that just need a string and some arrahs. It's 62" long and 50 lbs. after work today I went to Bass Pro and got a 59" string(FirstFlightAmerican string) that with 8-1/2 twists gave me 8" brace height. Also bought 1/2 dozen Redfield 340's and 125 grain field points,a finger tab and bow arm sock sleeve and I'm all ready to start shooting.
I hope the string is on to shoot on this bow and the 340's are spined good enough for this bow and poundage, if not I'll just buy the 400's then. Can't wait to start shooting a recurve again. Milo,JohnR and I had a blast up at Milos place shooting his longbow,recurve he built,Johns recurve that survived a flood and my vintage Jennings T Star compound. That was some good time well spent! Thanks for the use of the bow Eric!
I'll keep y'all updated on the progress...