After hearing Brock talk about shooting with both eyes open I've been practicing it. I think I'm sticking with it, thanks guys!
That old boy does know his stuff...... Seems like it's working....
After hearing Brock talk about shooting with both eyes open I've been practicing it. I think I'm sticking with it, thanks guys!
Need some practice do ya????
Sweet. Gives me something to look forward TOO.
Congrats to the hunter.
I really need to get in the know.
Sorry guys but I didn't get my picture taken with her, I was in to much of a hurry to get her home and quartered up on ice in the coolers. She came out into an alfalfa field and I laid it on her at 20 yards. She didn't go 20 yards and I watched her drop, quickest kill I've seen other than a spine shot. The rage hypodermics did the job along with an uncut easton fmj.
Congrats Chad! I TOO am an advocate for the Rage Hypodermics. Impressive entrance and exit holes!
Your boy was with me on that one! Can you see the wristband on my bow?