Thanks fellas. I really wanted to take a doe early because we were out of meat. I hunted a ground blind that was on the edge of a bean field last night because the does were consistently hitting the beans there, despite the yellowing of the leaves. At 6:45 I had two small bucks work out into the field, then at seven, a third small buck. At 7:10, this doe stepped out. The shot was a bit longer than I would like to have taken, but it was a calm evening, and I decided to test my limits. Never again. On release of the shot, she took a step and turned quartering hard away. The arrow went in behind the last rib and ran all the way up, catching the left lung. She went maybe 200 yards, and expired.
I am thankful for the opportunity to harvest a doe, and thankful for the recovery. Those slick tricks are wicked!
Here is the entry hole. it's every bit of 7"