What are the legalities of taking my 6 year old daughter Xbow hunting on my dads land? She has not done the hunter safety course, but can I get an apprentice liscense and take her with me? Thanks for guidance in advance.
You can get the apprentice license for three years before needing the safety course.
She doesn't need a license to hunt on grandparents land. She will need a youth tag.
Wow hard to believe she is that old already.
Seems crazy to me that she is growing up so fast. She says she wants to go but only shoot a buck. She said she can't shoot a doe. Lol. I am torn whether to take her or not. Not sure she really grasps the magnitude of killing an animal yet.
Something to keep in mind too is what if you cannot find the deer? Before I took both kids we talked often about the 'what if's' and all involved with killing an animal. Making sure she is proficient with the Xbow is something you can get her started on and use that for a basis to know if she would be capable. Just have to make that decision like you said if she could understand what it really means. As far as the license thing goes I'd hold off on the apprentice license and do the landowner grandchildren thing first. At least until you have to get it for hunting other lands since you would have 3 years before she would have to take hunters safety. 9-10 year olds taking the test can be a bit difficult when it comes to the written questions.