I purchased a youth hunt for my son who is 10 in Coshocton county this fall for the youth hunt. I did not know until I researched it that he cannot use a standard hunting rifle like we do here in certain parts of Michigan. He currently had a youth .410 and a 20 gauge (both single shots) that he can use to hunt deer here in Michigan in rifle less counties. I also have an 870 that I purchased a slug barrel for last year. I also see the regulations allow for a rifle such as .44 magnum to be utilized (I would need to purchase it). Can someone give me some guidance as to what they would use in this situation? Should I go ahead and make him use my 870? I also have a scope and scope mount for the 870. Is it legal to use a scope on a shotgun in this county?
Thanks for your feedback,
Thanks for your feedback,