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school shootings?


*Supporting Member*
Here at TOO you all are some of the smartest, level headed folks I know. I really want to hear everyones opinions. How do we stop/prevent these shootings?

I am now at a loss for ideas. Not that this school has implemented anything to prevent the shootings, I am not sure. I just cant seem to figure out why this is occurring so often now.

Please share your thoughts.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I seriously doubt it can be prevented. Those that get these terrible ideas in their heads are not going to be broadcasting their intentions. Look at how these seemingly " lone wolf " attacks on military & police personnel are now happening. Clearly out of the blue. One thing that I keep harping on, is that the media keeps going on about these & then you have all these so called exerts going on about how to deal with this & also talk about the types of people that would do this. Therefore, that all the more plants ideas these peoples minds. I'd like to see the media stop reporting on a lot of this, but that's just me. This world keeps changing on us & it's only going to get worse. At least those are my thoughts. By the way Albert, I've worn those Georgia's EVERY day.

Oh dang. You said smart & level headed. Sorry to butt in. :)


Junior Member
Medina, OH
I have worked in a school system for the last 7 years. I have heard many statistics and opinions on this issue. It comes back to a couple things in my opinion and her they are. Copycats, just like anything else monkey see monkey do. Second is the media attention it gains. They know it will be national news and in some cases they know their name will be out there.

As far as how to stop it is not completely possible. Security is a part of my job and with kids needing to enter and exit daily it has to be vulnerable at points during the day. You just have to be as sucre as possible and know what to do if something does happen to prevent loss of life.

Just my opinion.


*Supporting Member*
I blame the media for much of this. Every time someone does this, what happens? The shooter (dead or alive) gets all of the attention.

Stop giving out names and faces and trying to figure out the motive. Who gives a shit?

It's copy-cat shit and their f*cked up 15 minutes of fame.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Kids are now desensitized to violence at an early age. Whether it be from TV, news or violent video games, I think all of this plays a large part. I support arming faculty.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Do you ever notice if you're watching a sporting event on TV and some idiot decides to run on the field they never show it on TV? This is done intentionally because they don't want to encourage others to do the same. If the video of these events did not exist and the media did not show it over and over again, it would help cut back on these shootings a lot IMO.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You all nailed my thoughts. Copycats and media are contributing factors.

How to stop it? Well, if you figure out how to bring morals and stable family/home lives back into America, that would be a start. Sadly, now that it has begun, I am not sure it will stop. Reducing frequency is the only realistic expectation now.


Staff member
I'm also of the opinion that there is no solution. This country is full of shitty parents, kids with no sense of reality and governmental agencies that don't truly care about our safety. It's a sad state of affairs.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'm still gonna go with public torture and execution. I know we will never, EVER, see it. But I think if these crazy ass fruit loops start seeing the other crazy ass fruit loops getting tortured and actually punished, they might think twice before wanting to shoot up a school or other place. Honest to God, with the shape this county is in, I almost don't even want to have kids. It's scary to think what this county may look like in 30 years. Until we bring back God and guns, we're up a shit creek.


I'm still gonna go with public torture and execution. I know we will never, EVER, see it. But I think if these crazy ass fruit loops start seeing the other crazy ass fruit loops getting tortured and actually punished, they might think twice before wanting to shoot up a school or other place. Honest to God, with the shape this county is in, I almost don't even want to have kids. It's scary to think what this county may look like in 30 years. Until we bring back God and guns, we're up a shit creek.

I was thinking the same thing, I think this would help a lot, if the insane individuals saw the others before them get executed for wrong doing than I don't think it would cut down on it a lot. And also for some parents to be smarter and better parents, like how does these kids get a hold of these guns?? By irresponsible parents or close family members who don't know how to properly keep a gun safe. It all needs work but a couple of the local high schools by me now have metal detectors and it's the exact same set up as the TSA without the x ray scanners, metal detectors and they make them empty out their book bag and purse.


*Supporting Member*
thanks all for the responses.

I agree with Jesse on the fact, it goes back to the shitty parents in this country. Something with kids today is they are very impulsive, they want everything done immediately. I do not know the statistics behind it, but if I had to guess I would say suicides in the last 30 years have probably increased in young adults as well.

I think a lot of this stems from the lack of parenting, increase of instant communication with social media, and the fact no one is addressing these issues. I believe we should start teaching children about these issues, emotions, etc at an early age. If parents arent doing it at home, then its our GOVTS choice to step up and implement something.

We are willing to pay to teach them out to put a rubber on, but no one wants to talk about suicide, shootings, etc. This needs to change, and we need to implement some type of preventive program. It will never stop everything 100% but maybe it will prevent some of these.

Thanks again for all the responses.



Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! But the liberal gun heaters will NEVER spend the money need to stop guns at the door! They would rather disarm every body and then only those intent on killing will have the gun! ARM folks and let them fight back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!