You had a very exciting hunt just live it and learn from it. Take something from every encounter and every hunt and hone your skills and your hunting prowness. Enjoy the hunt and the chase and soak it all in. Relax and enjoy the moment.
The next encounter first establish if its a deer you want and what the yardage is. Focus on the center of the kill zone and draw your bow or raise your xbow when the deer is not looking your way and settle the appropriate pin on the precise spot you want that arrow to hit and check anchor,bow level and overall form. Slowly bring your finger to trigger and slowly squeeze while focusing on your spot. At the shot do not look for the arrow and trust the arrow will be there. Remember the better the shot the better the hit the better the outcome! Relax learn to control your breathing at the moment of the shot and relax.
You can rattle anytime. Through trial and error you'll learn when and how loud and how long. I find most hunters I see on TV don't even simulate what a fight actually sounds like! They just clack and click antlers together nonstop which is easy for a fast approaching buck to spot because of too much movement. Watch and listen to what fights or sparring actually sound like then practice. Bucks when fighting mostly lock up and shove each other trying to gain leverage and higher ground. Start out softer and shorter sequences and always check to your downwind side. The buck you call in most likely will try and scent check the two bucks he hears fighting. For best results keep it short and sweet to just get a buck to head your way and call from a treestand where they CAN'T get downwind of you like having a river,lake or steep drop off,bluff or other obstacle to your downwind side.
Hope this helps. Have fun and enjoy the ride! Good luck and just try to relax and keep your nerves from getting the best of you. Control your breathing and focus and you'll be fine!