Thanks fellers!
Me didn't get skunked last night!!!! WHOOHOO!!!
Hunted 2 hours from 5-7 out of the Bonehead encounter stand of 2011 overlooking the small oak flat to where I also miked a scrape. Saw a little 3x1 browsing around the acorns and corn from about 620-640. He came within 45 yards and had he been a shooter I had no shot opportunities. I swapped my card overlooking my mocked scrape and found him and 3 other bucks checking it out, 2 of which were nice up and coming 2.5-3.5 year olds that I had on cam back in velvet.
I would post up pics but PB and me ain't getting along so I might try tapatalk later. That is the only reason Ron and I haven't posted much this year! Ever since I updated PB its kicked me in the dick!
I won't be hunting till Monday night.
Bucks seen 1
Does seen 6
Bb seen 0
Turkeys seen 12+
Yotes seen 0
Owls seen 2
Hours on stand 40.25
Hunting trips 16
Shots at deer offered 5
Shots taken 0