Thanks again everyone for the kind comments! A big thanks to my buddy Ryan for posting those pics for me! Jesse, your daughter is a real cutie! So glad you took the time to come out and visit awhile!
Just for shits and grins I measured the right side shed I found of The Great Eight back in the late winter and it measured 59.5". He put on another 16" on that side in one year bringing it up to 75". To put it into perspective on how big his overall frame is, if you would cut off his g3's he would score a tad over 150" as a 6 point! That is mind boggling!
Zach, thanks for the compliment but dude IMO, your more of an accomplished hunter at your age than me or most hunters were at that stage in our hunting careers. Your wall is unbelievable considering how many years you've been chasing mature deer!