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Corn Piles for big Bucks

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
This season I tried another tactic. Pour the corn to them early and let the cams do the sitting for me. I started running 4 corn piles and a feeder in June. The piles were each about half a mile apart in a straight line. Almost two miles from first pile to last pile. Basically a long 30 yard wide fence row with small woodblocks on the ends and in the middle. By small I mean less than 20 acres and the smallest about 5 acres.

How often did you put corn out there, and how much per pile?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
How often did you put corn out there, and how much per pile?

Depends on how fast they consumed it. Usually only visited once every two weeks. I might put down 50 or 100 depending. I also dumped probably 50 gallons of apples and a couple hundred pounds of beans they didn't really touch. I poured it to them at whatever rate they consumed it


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
I've been filling my backpack up every other hunt and dumping about 30 pounds each time. Right now 30 pounds only lasts a few days. But that's a spot with hardly any coon eating it. At our land the fuggin coons come in herds to the corn pile, fat bastards.


Senior Member
oh ya... real effective.... they would rather eat shelled corn than pick it off a stalk.....

In the winter we put out whole truck loads of ear corn to feed our deer. if you sit over it and watch/hunt its not unusual to see 20+ deer a night..... For example tonight. I took jen to my dads where I always feed....for her to hunt or my dad to hunt or whoever....we saw 15+ deer..... Around here if you are not feeding, your neighbor is...... I know guys that dump 1/2-1 ton a week......


Staff member
How will some people ever kill deer when baiting gets banned?

I was in our new Rural King last week. They are selling 10 tons of shelled corn a week right now. It was amazing to see how many people were there just for corn.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have only used it in efforts to get my son on his first deer. Think I have bought 7-8 50lb bags in my life. Put it in a feeder and set it to go off morning and night. Lasts about a week. Seems like the squirrels eat more than the deer. We don't have many deer in the area. Oh well. Nothing against those who bait. Just not my thing. Seems like a waste of money to me but I am a cheapskate. If I absolutely needed some freezer meat I would probably go to bait.
I used to run a feeder at my place. It took me a couple of season to figure out that the deer went mostly nocturnal if I used the feeder. My feeder has not been used for three years. Since I am most likely done deer hunting I may fill it after gun season just to help the herd through the winter.


Staff member
I've been using corn for the past decade to get pictures of deer and to hold deer tight to our property. I hardly ever hunt directly over corn and have only killed 2-3 deer as a result of a pile or feeder. In all the years I have been pouring corn to deer, only once have I had a buck on a pattern. Had I been the gunman, we would have killed him that night. However my wife was hunting and he got us in a bad spot and lived to see another day. I learned from that hunt and that buck that even though you are "sure" you know where a deer is coming from, you really don't know if you are only relying on one camera. I was certain he was coming from the south as all the pictures told me that. I knew there was a good bedding area on the flat 200 yards away and with all the N winds that year, it made perfect sense. However what we found out that night was that he was bedding to the N and was circling the corn in a big, wide arc before committing. So while these pics say one thing, the reality was a whole different game...



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We keep one feeder on the farm but dont hunt close to it just more for pics and help the deer through the winter.
That is a good question Jesse, I have seen so many new hunters start out by just piling up corn and sitting over it.It is sad because they really dont learn a thing about hunting.
Ask them what a funnel, inside corner , pinchpoint or edge are and they just stare at you.Not just the new hunters either.I have nothing against it as I have sat over corn in the past just prefer not to do it anymore.It seems to work best for hunters early season and late if we have alot of cold and snow, Like Dick said it does seem most of the bigger bucks come in at night.So when they do outlaw baiting their will be alot of people scrambling around learning how to actually hunt.


Staff member
I don't have anything against baiting whatsoever as I obviously do it. What I have a problem with are the guys who have a wall full of deer that were killed by using bait and they NEVER acknowledge it. There is a certain someone around these parts who is guilty of that and while the rest of the world thinks he is a great and almighty hunter, I'd bet he couldn't hunt his way out of a wet paper bag without the bait. I have no doubts it takes a certain skill set to make baiting work consistently, but it is still artificial manipulation and doesn't require the kind of woodsmanship that some may think he possesses.

I used to be against the banning of baiting as I love it for pictures. However I support it now. Only because our herd is in rough shape right now and baiting is becoming more and more prevalent as the numbers drop. It is staggering how many guys are sitting over piles or corn to shoot deer these days. Hell, I do it in my own back yard because I don't want to kill deer off my main properties. No one hunts in my neighborhood and we counted 14 does within 200 yards of the house a few weeks back. If I wanted to sit in my "woods" and "hunt", I could shoot a deer any night of the week. In the current state of affairs, we don't need anything that makes it easier to kill deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well said Jesse.To each their own.I have been fortunate to have killed some really nice bucks over the years but not one was over a bait pile.
I do feel that if we end up with mire cases of Cwd in the future that will


*Supporting Member*
It is what it is . I use it in front of cams cause it really helps inventory a woods . If I go in a dump corn , throw up a camera, and check it in a week or two . If there aren't and pics of anything big then I pull it and move it .
I don't really care what other people do . But I know people who have spots no one else can hunt . After gun they bait the hell out of em. Wait for bitter weather and kill a big one ..Granted , it may not be that easy but it sure seems that way .


Senior Member
I ran 2 bait piles on the property next to my house to see what I could get on camera... I never once got a shooter.... It ended up being a waste of money... but I feed the shit out of the deer at dads.... it makes it nice when I wanna take jen or a kid in youth season....or even if pops wants to go shoot one....

The property I shot my deer on this year is impossible to bait on really.... it is all fenced in and is pasture....you dump a bag of corn on it and it will last about 15 min once the cattle, horses and donkey find it. haha Consequently I have killed 5 140+ deer off that farm.....but from 2008 till now it has been rough hunting on that property since the neighbor is baiting and has wounded 8 bucks, that I know of..... I actually look forward to the day they ban baiting...... Then the woods will equalize........ and a lot of guys will stop bowhunting. because it will make it to hard to get them motivated to find a deer.. I honestly think that's why people don't see rutting activity like they used to.... That's why its either all or nothing....

Don't get me wrong though..... if I have a big deer I wanna kill coming to a corn pile consistently...you can bet your sweet ass Im not to proud to shoot one over corn.....