So here it is...after countless hours reading 3,867 craigslist ads, talking to dealers, individuals, reading everything I could,,,,I end up hooking up with Jeffie on a great used owner, well maintained, started up on the first try. Needless to say, I'm very happy with the deal. Everybody wins - Jeffie, Jake (the young man courting CJ's daughter), and me. Jake called it "The Slug" - I guess he likes faster machines - but I'm gonna call it "Slugger".
Here's the snow we were riding around was pretty fun and the little 300 kept up just fine, and was able to break trail when I wanted.
It only took me a few minutes to get the hang of operating, CJ was a good teacher.
Riverdude's super-secret fishing hole....
Took my wife Julie for a spin around the yard (and our neighbor's yards). She also drove a little and seemed to like it.
Post Script: I want to thank all the guys here (Phil, Beenie, and all you others) who shared info and opinions and their experience and answered my questions. EVERYONE'S responses helped shape my learning/understanding.