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IQ Bow Sight vs. Trophy Ridge React Pro?

I've been looking at reviews on YouTube and reading the info about both on their websites.

I like the adjustment feature of the React, but the IQ's retina lock feature has its' appeal too.

I'd like to hear from anyone using either one of these bow sights...pros and cons.

Thank you, Bowhunter57


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've used the IQ's retina lock for the last 2 yrs. The jury is still out on if it's useful or not. I can't seem to get the pin on target then check to see if the retina lock is correct then the pin is off target.
But it looks good in the ads,
The jury is still out and undecided.
If I had to do it again I would look at the React sight. I believe Lee and Tiffany use it on the Crush TV show and it looks OK.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I did not like the Retina Lock system. Just added something to the draw/shoot cycle.

For the price of the Reacts I recommend a Montana Black Gold or Spott Hogg. But that being said Trophy Ridge stuff is made well.


Junior Member
I've been looking at the same 2 sights as well. I like the gang adjustment on the React and the pins seem to be more durable/better protected. But it is a lot more expensive than the IQ.
I've never tried the retina lock but I like the idea of not using a peep. I've struggled before seeing through a peep at dawn/dusk.
For anyone who uses the IQ, do you use it without a peep? And does it work better than a peep in low light conditions?


Junior Member
I use mine with a peep. I didn't really see a difference at low light. I found the react for 126 on bowhunterssuperstore.com


Junior Member
Darby Creek
I have shot the IQ sight and do believe the retina lock is very useful for guys who tend to torque their bow. Once you get it set up it does give you a reference to make sure you are holding a consistent anchor. I would definitely still use a peep and use the retina lock as a secondary reference.

I just bought the trophy ridge react 5 for my sons bow last week. I was surprised at how heavy it was....I mean really heavy compared to what I'm used to shooting. Also, the trophy ridge has a larger than normal sight ring and it is d more difficult to center in the peep. I did hear that the react pro is a little lighter so maybe that will be better.

My brother shoots the Axcel Armortech and while that sight is great for adjustability I think they suck for pin light because they are surrounded by a solid black sight protector that holds out the light.

Personally, I vote for the CBE....that is what I'm currently shooting on my carbon element and it's is light weight, easy to adjust, wrapped pins and been rock solid for me for 3 years now.
I guess I should've replied sooner, but I ended up purchasing the Apex Covert (single pin) sight. This sight offers interchangeable .010" or .019" pin sizes and 3 different colors of fiber optic in green, red or yellow.

This is my first single pin sight and I love how it clears up the sight picture. I never realized how much of having to use pin gap for in between yardages was breaking up my concentration on the target's point of aim and accurate estimation of yardage. I'm extremely happy with this sight and my shooting has improved, already. I can't wait to get into the 3D shooting circuit, again. :smiley_blink:

As for the IQ sight, I have good form and don't care for the added distraction to the draw cycle. I can see where it could improve someone's form and/or get them out of some bad form habits. I'm not in that group and don't see the need for it with my shooting.

I decided against the Trophy Ridge sight, after reading several reviews from customers that stated the base mount is made out of polymer (instead of machined aluminum) and that they'd had problems with the threads stripping out. Nobody needs that issue. Plus, they're asking for some serious coin for this sight and IF I'm paying for what I'm getting...I want machined parts, not molded ones.
