Chad - you apparently aren't in an area that has felt the reduction just yet. I remember your pictures of yarding deer last winter... you will NOT find that sort of thing here, and would not have seen herds like that for at least the last 10 years. You are up around Van Wert aren't you? If I remember correctly, your area just raised the bag limit 3 or 4 years ago, I think. We had 4 tags for years, until our primary gun season harvest bottomed out at 83 deer! Mike Tonkovich told Mrex to pass along to me that he would be reducing our bag limit the next year. He sent that message only a couple of days after those gun season numbers came out. I think we have every reason to whine! I first hunted Fayette Co in 1994, the year that I married KR and moved over here. There were deer in every woodlot...but there aren't many woodlots. Today, I could walk through a half dozen woodlots before I see a deer! The only reason I see the deer I do is because one of my landowners has kicked EVERYONE but me off the properties. They are rebounding on that ground, but surrounding properties are desolate. I don't think people complaining about low deer numbers is unfounded. When I first started whining, the rest of the state thought I was nuts... not the case today. If you choose to believe the rest of the hunters that are now complaining are just too lazy, or want it too easy, or don't like to get cold, or don't know how to hunt... you are naïve.