Good luck with the snare buddy!
bowhunter1023 Owner/Operator Staff member 49,553 288 Appalachia Jan 29, 2015 #321 Good luck with the snare buddy!
Kaiser878 Senior Member 2,633 97 ohio Jan 29, 2015 #322 59coon caught 46 coon skinned 20 rats 4 coyote 2 mink 15 beaver 4 house cats A lot of opossum 1 german shephard 1 sharpe
59coon caught 46 coon skinned 20 rats 4 coyote 2 mink 15 beaver 4 house cats A lot of opossum 1 german shephard 1 sharpe
Boarhead Dignitary Member Supporting Member 14,680 199 In the woods. Fairfield County. Jan 30, 2015 #323 Great season so far Zach!
finelyshedded You know what!!! Supporting Member 33,026 274 SW Ohio Jan 30, 2015 #324 Boarhead said: Great season so far Zach! Click to expand... Damn straight!
Kaiser878 Senior Member 2,633 97 ohio Jan 30, 2015 #325 I get to my otter spot... I walk down the river bank.... I get about 20 yards away and I see movement where my snare is...... my heart rate starts elevating. I get closer....... and its a fugging coon. Son of a bitch...... little bastard.
I get to my otter spot... I walk down the river bank.... I get about 20 yards away and I see movement where my snare is...... my heart rate starts elevating. I get closer....... and its a fugging coon. Son of a bitch...... little bastard.
Boarhead Dignitary Member Supporting Member 14,680 199 In the woods. Fairfield County. Jan 30, 2015 #326 Lol you will get him.
RedCloud Super Moderator Super Mod 17,443 207 North Central Ohio Jan 30, 2015 #327 I bet that coon got a couple more holes in his hide then some of the others. I would have beat that fugger with a stick or a hammer lol
I bet that coon got a couple more holes in his hide then some of the others. I would have beat that fugger with a stick or a hammer lol
Kaiser878 Senior Member 2,633 97 ohio Jan 30, 2015 #329 Ha funny u should mention it..... this is in town.... he got 1 swift blow by a 9 iron. Ha Chad would be proud
Ha funny u should mention it..... this is in town.... he got 1 swift blow by a 9 iron. Ha Chad would be proud
Bigslam51 Dignitary Member Supporting Member 25,778 127 Stark County Jan 30, 2015 #330 Kaiser878 said: Ha funny u should mention it..... this is in town.... he got 1 swift blow by a 9 iron. Ha Chad would be proud Click to expand... Fore!!!!
Kaiser878 said: Ha funny u should mention it..... this is in town.... he got 1 swift blow by a 9 iron. Ha Chad would be proud Click to expand... Fore!!!!