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Changes ahead


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
You knew when people got pissed about low deer numbers and stopped hunting, they would reach in our pockets to recover lost revenue. What REALLY pisses me off is they want residents to pick up the biggest portion of the tab, even though they are basing this on an audit that looked at rates from surrounding states. Meanwhile NRs only get a $8 bump to our $14 bump. Buncha bullshit.

Where are we getting a $14 bump? I saw a $14 bump for NR deer tags but nothing for residents as far as deer hunting.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You knew when people got pissed about low deer numbers and stopped hunting, they would reach in our pockets to recover lost revenue. What REALLY pisses me off is they want residents to pick up the biggest portion of the tab, even though they are basing this on an audit that looked at rates from surrounding states. Meanwhile NRs only get a $8 bump to our $14 bump. Buncha bullshit.

Totally agree!!!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What really burns me is: the areas I hunt the numbers are way down so my opportunities will be a lot less but I'll be paying more?!? WTF


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Deleted because I can't read.

Fishing licenses would be going up for Residents and Non-Residents
Hunting Permits would be going up for non-residents only.
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Tatonka guide.
I was born in 84', the ohio deer herd in the 70's and 80's was bad right? People were lucky to see a deer if they hunted. Deer in the NW Ohio were almost like ghosts until the 90's correct?

no idea man, you will have to ask a guy from NW ohio that question.


Tatonka guide.
I was born in 1944 so I'm 40 yrs. older than you. I seen it and lived through it.
For the majority of Ohio up until the late 1960's was almost void of deer. Oh sure there was pockets of deer I would say in the NE close to PA, in the NW close to MI, and in the SW Ohio.
But the rest of Ohio the deer was damn far apart if any at all.
If someone was born in the 1960-1980 by the time they were old enough to even know what a deer was there was a decent population statewide. Then into the 1990-2000 the population was at the highest statewide.
I serious have my doubts if the state Ohio DOW, insurance companies, of the Farm Bureau will permit the deer population to get as high as the 1990-2000 numbers.
If you haven't lived through the lean years of damn few deer or Zero deer numbers in the area you lived in I just can't explain it any clearer.
Where i will argue with you and this is a fact, ohio was dam near the pheasant capital of the US...Now how are we doing? How are our grouse doing? Quail?


Senior Member
I don't see where they added a week. Archery has always started the last weekend of Sept and ended the first weekend of Feb. I don't see where that changed.

not exactly. I don't remember what year they changed the start and finish to what we have now, but for many years the archery season started on the first Saturday in October(date did not matter) and ended January 31(day of the week did not matter). the DNR ensured two more full weekends by starting the last weekend in September and ending the first weekend in February. I think I've maximized my recreation by killing deer with arrows in 6 months out of the year in Ohio. :smiley_bril:

I don't really give a flying fugg what a tag costs or when all the gun seasons are, or if there only 3 deer left in the whole goddamned state. I'm going to try best to kill two or three of them with my bow and arrow for two or three months.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
no idea man, you will have to ask a guy from NW ohio that question.

Kinda how Turkeys are now in NW Ohio. There were a few in secluded pockets, and they were spoken for basically. If we wanted to see deer, we headed to Killdeer Plains Wildlife area the first 5 years I deer hunted. Then we got permission from a farmer my Dad worked with and it was a stellar property outside Findlay. But the rest of Hancock, Wood, and Putnam were pretty Void of deer til around 1993. Not sure what happened, other than the herds moving in and adapting to the area.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country

I don't really give a flying fugg what a tag costs or when all the gun seasons are, or if there only 3 deer left in the whole goddamned state. I'm going to try best to kill two or three of them with my bow and arrow for two or three months.

I am sorry. I am unsure if this comment is made out of seriousness or you just trying to stir the pot again. Either way not a intelligent statement in my opinion. If there where only three deer left in the whole state and you where willing to kill them all, all that says about you is that you are selfish, and willing to ruin anyone else's chances at enjoying whitetails just for personal enjoyment. Not to mention that you would be essentially shooting yourself in the foot.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Exactly I was raised in Ottawa, Putnam county and moved away in 1971. I shot my 1st Ohio deer in 1972 in Willard, OH and there was less tan 6,000 deer taken in the whole state in 1972. Then the harvest numbers started sky rocketing up ward until the recent down turn.
Been there and done it.

In the late 1960's to early 1970's my brothers and I went to CO to hunt mule deer.

Kinda how Turkeys are now in NW Ohio. There were a few in secluded pockets, and they were spoken for basically. If we wanted to see deer, we headed to Killdeer Plains Wildlife area the first 5 years I deer hunted. Then we got permission from a farmer my Dad worked with and it was a stellar property outside Findlay. But the rest of Hancock, Wood, and Putnam were pretty Void of deer til around 1993. Not sure what happened, other than the herds moving in and adapting to the area.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Exactly I was raised in Ottawa, Putnam county and moved away in 1971. I shot my 1st Ohio deer in 1972 in Willard, OH and there was less tan 6,000 deer taken in the whole state in 1972. Then the harvest numbers started sky rocketing up ward until the recent down turn.
Been there and done it.

In the late 1960's to early 1970's my brothers and I went to CO to hunt mule deer.

That was quite the drive from Ottawa to Williard. That seemed to be the way people got deer though. Had to put some miles on the car. Oops, just noticed you said you moved then shot a deer


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I don't see where they added a week. Archery has always started the last weekend of Sept and ended the first weekend of Feb. I don't see where that changed.

Opening day is the 26th of September and ends Feb 7th. This past year it was Sept 27th-Feb 2nd


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am sorry. I am unsure if this comment is made out of seriousness or you just trying to stir the pot again. Either way not a intelligent statement in my opinion. If there where only three deer left in the whole state and you where willing to kill them all, all that says about you is that you are selfish, and willing to ruin anyone else's chances at enjoying whitetails just for personal enjoyment. Not to mention that you would be essentially shooting yourself in the foot.

I get it Hoyt. The way I took it is the same way I look at it. Raise the tag or license $10 or $50, I will still hunt. I personally don't see them making the deer vanish 100%. If it gets harder to hunt them, I am still hunting. Or. . . I will start raising cattle.

And harvest them with my bow to put in my freezer. Won't be near as rewarding, but I won't need 2 a year to fill the freezer.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Correct I moved. I completed my training in Lima with the Finance Co. I worked for and was promoted to Willard Branch Mgr. was there 2 yrs. and was promoted again back to Lima for 2 yrs. Then promoted to a bigger Branch in Dearborn Hgts. MI for a year then to Hamilton in 1976.

That was quite the drive from Ottawa to Williard. That seemed to be the way people got deer though. Had to put some miles on the car. Oops, just noticed you said you moved then shot a deer
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Phil if anyone sees you shooting cattle with a bow you would probably be sending time in jail. Crazy world out there.