I can get some. It was just a big metal, 2 door cabinet that we put insulation on. We fastened some angle iron brackets, and used some all thread on the inside so all our racks can slide in/out easily. Then we cut out a square for a small door on the bottom and attatched a hinge and chain for a dampener. Theres a thermometer to monitor the inside temps on the outside. An oldsteel box for the charcoal and wood that can be removed. Pretty simple construction. When Dad bought it at the garage sale, we stopped at a hardware store and he bought insulation. Once we got home I think it may have taken 2-3 hours to transform it. He had all the materials at home except the racks. I guarantee I could smoke a whole hog it in if I separated the legs from ribs, back, etc. I did about 100lbs of Salmon fillets and around 2 dozen white bass last year in 1 shot. The only thing I don't like about it is it's awkward to move from inside my garage to outside. I slide an appliance mover/cart under it and lay it back to get it under my garage doors. If it was 4' shorter I would mount some castors to it and it would be the cats ass then. It fit out Dad's garage perfect. He made sure last spring that I took it to my house so it would survive any scrap runs once he wasn't able to watch his stuff