You guys get it. I won't be wearing this thing to church or out on the town.
This is on to do list Phil. Yes, I'll be wearing mine to the grocery store. I like skunk the best. Chick magnet.
I have skunked the wife out of the truck. I have made an ass out of myself before. Why not go coyote?
Bomber/aviator style is what I am thinking as well. Keep going back and forth but I think realistically, a bomber or aviator hat would truthfully see more usage. Put the face on it. . . you just reduced the places you will wear it. Not everyone is as much of a rock star as Hoot. I think he could pull it off. Swantucky could do it. I am not that cool. lmao
If you find someone to make them..let me know..I would love to have one.
Damn Phil showed this to the wife and she said i should get one made.
Told her i would wear it to the grocery store with her and she said go ahead.
Now if i can just come up with a yote
Have a nice big reddish colored one that would look real nice.
If ya wear one while in bed with the wife, just think of the extra howling ya could do !
If ya wear one while in bed with the wife, just think of the extra howling ya could do !
I think i can come up with one Chad.lolWhere ya going to find a yote hide, Brian?
I have forgotten what it looks like Kevin. The only howling in the bedroom is her yelling to "get out of bed! Your phone is ringing again!"