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2014-2015 Official Snow Thread


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Back when I had my own company, I'd slap my company sticker on the back windows or on the back gate of bobcats. You'd be surprised how long they would advertise for you for free, lol. After I tagged this one guys complete line one night, he called me (my number was on the sticker) and he thanked me for cleaning his windows. He said, I probably wouldn't of even noticed if I didn't clean the window. I thought that was funny. I'm sure some of them still have them on today...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That brought a big smile to my face Ryan! Two brand new snow boxes, a backhoe with 2800hrs and a 2 sp S250 are pieces of shit? Tell her I am sorry I cannot afford brand new ones with plastic still on the seats. lmao

You should try plowing those lots with idiots driving like that all night. The first hour it is like an annoying gnat. The second hour it is like a mosquito or two. After several hours it is like you are being swarmed by hornets and you just want to go home.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did they look like this? [emoji123]



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Lol good stuff! I have seen them at west side Wally World.

We have a 310G sitting in Wapak too. Two of the 4 backhoes are rented. We only own the C and G. The D in the picture is rented off a guy but we will probably end up buying it. The SJ on the west side is a subcontractor. We pay him one rate if he is operator, and another rate if he is working and we use a payroll employee to operate it. Wish I owned that SJ, but it is too new and pricey just to plow snow for us.

I dropped a gum wrapper in that parking lot once. Job security.

Thanks Huck. Keep up the good work! They changed to some guy out of Akron for the sweeping. Keep throwing your trash out there. It is a matter of time before they realize the reason he is so much cheaper. Dude is terrible. Drives onto the lot, sits there 10min, leaves. Shows up while we are plowing to "sweep" the lot. They like to save money, but they don't like to have someone stealing from them. I will sit back quietly and await the phone call to return to sweeping. I don't get greedy. Take care of the customer and the dollars will follow. We have always been blessed using this business practice. I won't change now.


Staff member
Well over 8" here, maybe more. Single biggest snow dump I remember since the blizzard of '93. It is a wet, heavy snow with a slimy wet base. Cleaning off the wife's car so she could get to work sucked! Now to shovel the driveway yet again. This one might break me for good.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'm for once glad we didn't get that snow. We already have close to a foot on the ground and I need to find some sheds. Hopefully the warm temps coming this week will melt most of it.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
We got about 3" in the last couple days but most of the old snow melted off on Tuesday. Muddy mess.
Poor people in northern KY are getting 8-14" today. They got hit hard last week too.
Now there are warnings of flooding because of our hills. But that's the reason I don't live in the bottoms. Got a down hill driveway but I corrected that 18 months ago.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well over 8" here, maybe more. Single biggest snow dump I remember since the blizzard of '93. It is a wet, heavy snow with a slimy wet base. Cleaning off the wife's car so she could get to work sucked! Now to shovel the driveway yet again. This one might break me for good.

Pick up a used snowblower and sit on it for days like this.... Worth it's weight in gold.... Make sure the flights are in good shape as well as the drive belt and keep a fresh plug in it and you'll be glad you had it.... I've had a snowblower for 25 years and have hardly ever touched a shovel in that time.....