It truly amazes me how a simple thing as the antlers and antler scoring have completely ruined the integrity of men, I mean take a step back and look all of this of is a derivative of a sport that has evolved into the coveting of a stupid antler on top of an animals head.
Its disgusting that "hunters" go to the extremes to disobey straight forward hunting regulations not only risk financial repercussions as well as potential jail time (at least in PA) but also it is completely poor reflection of character over something so utterly dumb as a piece of horn that grows on an animal. I don't see guys breaking rules and what not to shoot a squirrel or rabbit no because its all about the holy grail of todays hunters which is the antler on a deer.
What I find even more disgusting then the hunter who commits that act is the Government trying to put a dollar on the deer. It truly shows me what hunting has become these days in most peoples eyes when you can shoot a doe or small buck and it only equals "X" (I think someone said $500) but when you shoot a deer with a "Record" scoring rack you have not committed a crime so much worse beyond all retribution so now you have to pay some absurdly ridiculous amount of money. If you poach a poach a deer its the same crime so the penalties should be the same whether that be $28,000 for any deer or $500.
To be honest you want to start making a real impact on poaching start throwing fines like that out for people shooting doe, that is where the impact will be. Conditioned response is a pretty simple thought process.