Senior Member
I learned this s little while ago but thought I would post it anyway.
Nobody is expecting anything to go wrong with their dominant hand or arm BUT you might just want to try learning how to do some of your daily living skills with the other hand or arm. The simplest things such as brushing your hair or your teeth or even getting dressed with only the use of that one arm. You can also practice now for #2's and save yourself some issues down the road. You guys ever have something happen and can't use that dominant hand or arm you can thank me for giving you a heads up and getting youto start thinking and practicing now lol.
Almost forgot. Feeding yourself with a fork or spoon. You won't like stabbing yourself in the gum with the fork or bouncing that spoon off that front tooth lol.
Had to chuckle at this. My brother had rotater cuff surgery yesterday. He called me early this morning asking me how to get his jeans buttoned. After a quick over the phone lesson he had it figured out (much easier with the left hand then the right, I think anyways). I told him when he puts his belt through the loops he needs to get his back up against the outside corner of a wall to hold it up as you reach all the way across your body from the front to grasp the very end of the belt for that hard to reach loop on the opposite side. He could put in the belt before putting on his jeans, but hey, that's for wimps.
If any of you guys need tips for getting things done one handed just let me know. Tying shoes still has me stumped though. Thank God for Velcro.