For land classified as agricultural and under the CAUV system yes. I just realized something in my my research. CAUV is calculated by the following.
""Current agricultural use land value can be estimated by the capitalization of the typical net income from agricultural crops on a given parcel of land, assuming typical management, cropping patterns, and yields for the type of soil present on the tract. Values estimated by this method will closely approximate actual market values of farm land where the actual highest and best use is exclusively agricultural, unaffected by other uses."""
Basically I'm saying the same thing, just a different way to calculate it without estimating. Today the CUAV system estimates price of the land based on perceived income from crops under their best potential. In their example they "estimate" land value by guessing based on yield values in various soil types for possible income under ideal conditions and care.. I'm saying base it on the actual real income. If a farmer doesn't grow a thing he pays the property tax based on the land value. If a farmer grown 2 million in crops he pays property tax on the land value + the added land value due to the crop it produced. No more estimating, guessing, testing soils and other BS guess work.
We don't base a persons income tax on their income potential, or by guessing earning abilities based on IQ tests and what we "think" they should make. We base it on actual income. Agricultural use property taxes should use the same method of calculation. Actual value based on use.