Great thread!! Wonder if they are similar to chickens as when we closed them up in the winter they'd all peck each other over until we would separate some and even cage a few until spring and once they had room to roam they wouldn't bother each other much at all. Big pen with plenty of 'habitat' might be just what the Dr. ordered.
They are much worse than chickens as far as pecking each other. They can be very cannibalistic if they are crowded or bored. Thing with Pheasants from what I have been reading is it is important to keep them occupied as well as giving them plenty of room. Hopefully the habitat I give them will keep them busy.
I plan to release approximately half right before season opener. This way the neighboring properties can have a shot at chasing a few. The rest I will hold until late winter (right before breeding season) then I will release them. I may find they are too much a pain in the arse and release them all.
Definitely not in this thinking I will be helping the population but if a few make it that is a bonus. This is mostly just something to keep me busy.
Received my application from District 5 Wildlife office for my permit. Will get it sent in this week.